Latest NCEP WaveWatch III graphicsReturn to GLCFS-FVCOM PageNOTICE: This webiste will soon transition to an experimental research version of Wave Watch III managed at NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL). The experimental version of Wave Watch III featurew new methods for simulating wave interactions with ice.
Note: 1) Areas denoted by dark grey within the lakes and other water systems represent either "No Data" or regions of analyzed ice within the Global Forecast System. These regions should be interpreted as "No wave or wind data available" and not necessarily wave heights = 0 and/or windspeed = 0. 2) Winds on this page and those used by the Great Lakes Wave Watch III to force the wave forecasts are from the National Weather Service (NWS) National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD). Click here to learn more about the NDFD. Additional products: |
Contacts Information, Questins & Media Inquires: 734-741-2235 |
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