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Metadata for NOAA/GLERL/NWS Milwaukee, WI Met Station

LATITUDE: 43-00-18 N (new as of 8/27/2019)
LONGITUDE: 87-53-04 W (new as of 8/27/2019)

LATITUDE: 43-02-44 N (old)
LONGITUDE: 87-52-44 W (old)

Site online: 20 Nov 2000

LOCATION: This station has been re-located 2.8 miles south to a USCG Navigation Platform on the grounds of the Port of Milwaukee adjacent to the Cross Lake Ferry terminal (new as of 8/27/2019).
Old location: On the Milwaukee navigation light located on the end of the north harbor inlet pier.

Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community |

Site Elevation: 178.0 m above mean sea level
Anemometer Height: 7.3 m above site elevation
Air Temp Height: 6.1 m above site elevation

Wind Sensor: R.M. Young model 5103 Wind monitor mounted on the structure railing.

Temperature Sensor: CSI model 109 thermistor mounted in a naturally aspirated gill type radiation shield mounted on the structure railing.

Processor: CSI model CR200. This unit samples the sensors every 5 seconds and is set to an averaging interval of 2 minutes.

The wind speed shown in the "18-Hour" table and in the "5-day" graph are from the 2-minute period at the top of the hour. The data listed in the link below the "18-Hour" table (today's 2-minute data) and in the "3-hour" graph are every 2 minutes.

Wind speed is the mean wind during the 2-minute recording period. Wind gust is the maximum wind during the same 2-minute recording period. Peak wind is max wind gust during entire hour.

Power: The system is run from a 33A/hr gel cell battery which is maintained with a 20 watt Kyocer PV panel operating through a Morningstat 6 amp regulator. This battery will provide many days of stand alone operation.

Scheme: The CR10X is connected to a Raven X CDMA cell modem. The system is interrogated by a PC from Ann Arbor running the CSI Logger Net software.

The webcam is located in the Cudahy tower and consists of a Sony SNC-Z20N Network Camera

Data Line for file yyyymmdd.01t.txt: The data line is space delimited and consists of the following columns in order from left to right.

1:Station ID, Milwaukee=1
3:Day of Year
4:Time, UTC
5:Average air temperature, Deg C
6:Wind Speed, average, m/s
7:Wind Speed, maximum, m/s
8:Wind Direction, average, degrees from (0=from north, 90=from east)

-99 = missing/bad data

Steve Constant
Marine Instrumentation Laboratory

Questions/comments regarding physical
site maintenance, repairs, and data:
NOAA/NWS Milwaukee Site Manager