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NOAA/GLERL Met Station at Milwaukee, WI

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See also Previous 3 Hours (2 minute increments)
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Note: Speed = mean wind during 2-minute period at top of hour,
Gust = max wind during 2-minute period at top of hour,
Peak = max wind during entire hour.
• See also 5-day windrose plot

NOAA/GLERL Met Station at Milwaukee, WI

Previous 5 days (top of hour only)
See also Previous 3 Hours (2 minute increments)
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                  Wind  Wind  Wind   Air
                   Spd   Gst   Dir  Temp
YYYY-MM-DD   CDT   kts   kts   deg     F
2025-03-31 13:00   7.8   8.6    56  35.8
2025-03-31 12:00   6.2   9.9   278  36.5
2025-03-31 11:00   8.9  11.9   355  35.2
2025-03-31 10:00   9.5  11.3   338  34.3
2025-03-31 09:00   8.7  11.9   331  33.6
2025-03-31 08:00  11.9  14.0   331  33.1
2025-03-31 07:00  10.9  13.4   358  32.7
2025-03-31 06:00  14.4  16.5   345  32.9
2025-03-31 05:00  12.4  14.4   341  32.9
2025-03-31 04:00  15.2  19.8   353  33.6
2025-03-31 03:00  16.1  18.1   347  34.2
2025-03-31 02:00  10.5  14.8   339  35.2
2025-03-31 01:00   8.4  10.1   335  35.2
2025-03-31 00:00  10.3  14.2   342  35.8
2025-03-30 23:00   8.7  11.5   331  36.1
2025-03-30 22:00   7.4   9.3   341  37.4
2025-03-30 21:00   8.6  10.1     5  38.1
2025-03-30 20:00   6.2   9.1    25  39.2
2025-03-30 19:00   7.4   8.9     1  41.0
2025-03-30 18:00   4.1   7.2     1  40.5
2025-03-30 17:00   4.3   5.8   315  41.0
2025-03-30 16:00  11.9  13.0     2  38.7
2025-03-30 15:00  15.4  17.1    19  37.4
2025-03-30 14:00  18.9  21.6    23  37.8
2025-03-30 13:00  16.3  17.9    20  37.9
2025-03-30 12:00  18.3  19.8    25  37.8
2025-03-30 11:00  17.5  19.6    16  38.1
2025-03-30 10:00  15.0  16.5    12  38.1
2025-03-30 09:00  14.4  15.6    19  38.1
2025-03-30 08:00  13.6  15.6    12  38.1
2025-03-30 07:00  12.8  14.0    26  37.9
2025-03-30 06:00  11.5  12.2    19  38.1
2025-03-30 05:00  14.0  15.6    19  37.9
2025-03-30 04:00   9.9  11.1    19  38.5
2025-03-30 03:00  10.9  12.6    16  38.1
2025-03-30 02:00  10.9  14.0    12  38.1
2025-03-30 01:00  15.0  16.9    14  37.8
2025-03-30 00:00  15.0  16.5    12  37.8
2025-03-29 23:00  16.3  18.9    17  37.9
2025-03-29 22:00  15.4  18.3    13  37.9
2025-03-29 21:00  17.5  18.9    14  37.6
2025-03-29 20:00  18.7  22.2    14  37.4
2025-03-29 19:00  21.0  24.5    22  37.6
2025-03-29 18:00  20.6  22.9    21  37.4
2025-03-29 17:00  21.0  25.1    19  37.6
2025-03-29 16:00  22.4  25.3    22  37.0
2025-03-29 15:00  19.8  22.6    18  37.4
2025-03-29 14:00  17.1  19.8    21  37.8
2025-03-29 13:00  16.3  18.1    25  37.6
2025-03-29 12:00  14.8  16.9    26  37.8
2025-03-29 11:00  16.5  18.7    21  37.9
2025-03-29 10:00  17.9  19.8    24  38.1
2025-03-29 09:00  14.0  15.4    18  37.8
2025-03-29 08:00  12.1  13.2    30  38.1
2025-03-29 07:00   9.5  11.9    39  37.9
2025-03-29 06:00   7.8   8.6    45  38.1
2025-03-29 05:00  10.7  12.2    38  38.7
2025-03-29 04:00   4.9   5.2    45  38.7
2025-03-29 03:00   5.1   5.4    38  38.8
2025-03-29 02:00   4.7   5.4    53  37.9
2025-03-29 01:00  11.3  12.2    34  37.4
2025-03-29 00:00  10.9  22.2    16  62.4
2025-03-28 23:00  16.7  22.9   240  70.5
2025-03-28 22:00  16.9  22.9   243  72.7
2025-03-28 21:00   9.1  14.4   241  72.5
2025-03-28 20:00  12.1  16.1   243  73.6
2025-03-28 19:00  15.2  23.1   241  75.9
2025-03-28 18:00  17.7  24.7   236  77.5
2025-03-28 17:00  12.1  17.3   231  77.0
2025-03-28 16:00  16.7  22.2   237  75.4
2025-03-28 15:00  15.0  23.3   236  74.5
2025-03-28 14:00  12.2  17.7   227  70.7
2025-03-28 13:00   6.4   8.7   224  65.5
2025-03-28 12:00  11.3  17.7   200  58.8
2025-03-28 11:00   6.4   8.0   198  52.5
2025-03-28 10:00   9.5  12.6   200  52.2
2025-03-28 09:00   4.3   6.4   224  45.0
2025-03-28 08:00   2.3   2.7   120  42.6
2025-03-28 07:00   7.6   9.3   354  44.1
2025-03-28 06:00  13.4  14.8   158  41.0
2025-03-28 05:00   7.6   8.4   127  41.9
2025-03-28 04:00   8.0   9.5   148  42.3
2025-03-28 03:00   4.7   6.0   189  46.8
2025-03-28 02:00   7.4   8.9   191  47.1
2025-03-28 01:00   7.6   9.9   197  46.9
2025-03-28 00:00  10.7  12.2   182  46.6
2025-03-27 23:00   8.6   9.5   157  43.5
2025-03-27 22:00  10.3  11.9   147  42.6
2025-03-27 21:00   5.2   5.8   140  47.7
2025-03-27 20:00   3.7   4.3   159  42.3
2025-03-27 19:00   7.4   8.0   145  41.7
2025-03-27 18:00   8.2   9.7   122  41.7
2025-03-27 17:00   6.0   7.0   138  42.6
2025-03-27 16:00   7.4   8.2   127  44.8
2025-03-27 15:00  12.1  13.4   156  45.3
2025-03-27 14:00   8.7   9.7   148  45.0
2025-03-27 13:00   5.4   6.2   142  44.8
2025-03-27 12:00   6.0   6.4    88  47.5
2025-03-27 11:00   4.7   6.2   331  50.4
2025-03-27 10:00   2.3   3.3   291  47.1
2025-03-27 09:00   1.9   2.7   268  45.5
2025-03-27 08:00   2.5   3.3   261  44.4
2025-03-27 07:00   3.7   4.7   267  43.2
2025-03-27 06:00   3.3   4.3   262  40.6
2025-03-27 05:00   2.3   3.9   254  37.8
2025-03-27 04:00   1.6   2.7   249  35.6
2025-03-27 03:00   1.4   1.9   206  36.7
2025-03-27 02:00   2.1   3.3   198  37.2
2025-03-27 01:00   3.9   4.9   190  37.0
2025-03-27 00:00   3.1   4.3   199  37.0
2025-03-26 23:00   2.5   3.5   190  37.2
2025-03-26 22:00   3.7   4.9   165  37.2
2025-03-26 21:00   5.1   5.6   156  36.9
2025-03-26 20:00   6.4   7.2   160  36.5
2025-03-26 19:00   7.6   8.4   152  36.7