Ashley Elgin
Benthic ecology
Aquatic invasive species
Climate change
Dreissenid mussels
Reagan Errera
Harmful algal blooms Phycotoxins Phytoplankton community dynamics Ocean acidification Climate change statistics
Lauren M. Fry
Seasonal to interannual water supply forecasting Water resources decision support Hydrometeorology
James Kessler
Ice Cover
Doran Mason
Nonindigenous species biology
Food web dynamics
Habitat-mediated interactions
Ecological modeling
Lacey Mason
Spatial analysis
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Remote sensing
Data science
Data management
Bryan Mroczka
Hydro-meteorological modeling
Radar meteorology
Sea-breeze convection
Lake effect snow prediction
Meteorological decision support services
Forensic meteorology
Steven Pothoven
Fish and macroinvertebrates ecology
Feeding ecology
Mark Rowe
Hydrodynamic Modelling
Biological Modelling
Steve Ruberg
Marine Instrumentation and Technology
Oceanographic Data Collection
Edward Rutherford
Fish population dynamics
Larval fish ecology
Bioenergetics modeling
Fisheries management
Craig Stow
Nutrient dynamics
Empirical modeling
Bayesian inference
Dan Titze
Aquatic ecosystems
Ecological modeling and forecasting
Andrea Vander Woude
Satellite remote sensing
Satellite algorithm development
Hyperspectral imaging and algorithm development
Biological oceanography
Jia Wang
Arctic and Great Lakes climate change studies
Coupled ice-ocean-ecosystems modeling
Development of data assimilation methods for ice-ocean ecosystems
David Wright
Meteorology, Atmospheric Modeling Lake-Atmosphere Interactions Data Assimilation