The Episodic Events - Great Lakes Experiment (EEGLE) data are posted on the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) website. The data sets are described and linked to below.
The Episodic Events - Great Lakes Experiment (EEGLE) project was coordinated by NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. The data
collected in support of this project are archived in three accessions including: 1) biological and water quality observations; 2) sediment observations;
and 3) oceanographic observations.
In August 1997 the NOAA Coastal Ocean Program and National Science Foundation Coastal Ocean Processes began a jointly funded program to study the impact
of episodic plume events on sediment and constituent transport and subsequent ecological effects in Lake Michigan referred to as the EEGLE project. The
project focused on the importance of episodic events on nearshore-offshore transport and subsequent ecological consequences. The programs goal was to
create an integrated observational program and numerical modeling effort to identify, quantify, and develop prediction tools for the winter-spring
resuspension event and to assess the impact of this event on the transport and transformation of Biogeochemically Important Materials (BIMS) and on lake
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our website here.
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Beletsky, D. and D.J. Schwab. 2001. Modeling circulation and thermal structure in Lake Michigan: Annual cycle and interannual variability. J. Geophys. Res 106:19745-19771.
Beletsky, D., D.J. Schwab, P.J. Roebber, M.J. McCormick, G.S. Miller, and J.H. Saylor. 2003. Modeling wind-driven circulation during the March 1998 sediment resuspension event in Lake Michigan. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 108(C2).
Chen, C., L. Wang, R. Ji, J.W. Budd, D.J. Schwab, D. Beletsky, G.L. Fahnenstiel, H. Vanderploeg, B.J. Eadie, and J.B. Cotner. 2004. Impacts of suspended sediment on the ecosystem in Lake Michigan: A comparison between the 1998 and 1999 plume event.J. Geophys. Res 109:C10S05, 18 pp.
Chen, C., R. Ji, D.J. Schwab, D. Beletsky, G.L. Fahnenstiel, M. Jiang, T.H. Johengen, H.A. Vanderploeg, B.J. Eadie, J.W. Budd, M.H. Bundy, W. Gardner, J.B. Cotner, and P.J. Lavrentyev. 2002. A model study of the coupled biological and physical dynamics in Lake Michigan. Ecol. Modeling 152:145-168. https://
Eadie, B.J., D. Schwab, T. Johengen, P. Lavrentyev, G. Miller, R. Holland, G. Leshkevich, M. Lansing, N. Morehead, J. Robbins, N. Hawley, D. Edgington, and P. Van Hoof. 2002. Particle transport, nutrient cycling, and algal community structure associated with a major winter-spring sediment resuspension event in southern Lake Michigan. J. Great Lakes Res 28(3):324-337.
Eadie, B.J., D.J. Schwab, R.A. Assel, N. Hawley, M.B. Lansing, C.S. Miller, N.R. Morehead, J.A. Robbins, P.L. Van Hoof, G.A. Leshkevich, T.H. Johengen, P. Lavrentyev, and R. E Holland. 1996. Development of Recurrent Coastal Plume in Lake Michigan Observed for First Time. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 77:337-338.
Schwab, D.J., D. Beletsky, and J. Lou. 2000. The 1998 coastal turbidity plume in Lake Michigan. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 50:49-58.
Winkelman, A.G., E.R. Stabenau, and B.J. Eadie. 1998. Particle Size Distribution and Concentration of Total Suspended matter in Southern Lake Michigan: January 28-February 10, 1998. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-105. 34 pp.
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