Publications List Key |
Capitalized names represent GLERL authors. |
* = Not available from GLERL. |
** = Available in GLERL Library only. |
+ = Available electronically via GLERL web site. |
ASSEL, R.A. Great Lakes Ice Cover, Winter 1972-73. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS LSC D 7, NOS Lake Survey Center Limnology Division, Detroit, MI (1974).
Hansen, A.L., J.W. Wilson, C.F. JENKINS, and L.A. Weaver. U.S. IFYGL Precipitation Data Acquisition System. International Field Year for the Great Lakes (no.4)(1973).
LAKE HYDROLOGY GROUP. Lake Ontario IFYGL ice studies data report. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 189 pp. (1974).
PICKETT, R.L., and F.P. RICHARDS. Comparison of July temperature statistics from adjacent buoys at station 13. IFYGL Bulletin 10:93-94 (1974).
QUINN, F.H., and M.J. Todd. Lake Superior Beginning-of-Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Storage Changes. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS LSC R 4, (1974).
ROBERTSON, A. Status of the chemical intercomparison programs conducted during IFYGL. IFYGL Bulletin 10:92 (1974).
ROBERTSON, A. U.S. IFYGL shipboard data acquisition system. IFYGL Technical Manual Series No. 5 :40 (1974).
*SCAVIA, D. Implementation of a pelagic ecosystem model for lakes. International Biological Program Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome--IBP Report 74-4 (1974).
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