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To inform our stakeholders about the results of NOAA GLERL scientific research, we maintain a web listing of journal articles, technical memorandums, and research posters by NOAA GLERL-affiliated authors published from 1974 to the present. Our publication listings are updated monthly. To access our peer-reviewed publications, please click on the links below. For more information, contact Nicole Rice at nicole.rice@noaa.gov or 734-741-2247.
Past years organized by fiscal year (October 1 - September 30)
* indicates Tech Memo is not available online. To obtain a copy, please
contact the publications office:
Nicole Rice
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
4840 S. State Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-9719 USA
734-741-2055 (fax)
Poster presentations from scientific meetings, workshops, and conferences.
AGU Ocean Sciences 2020 - February 16-21, San Diego, CAAGU 2019 - December 9-13, San Francisco, CAModeling five Great Lakes ice-wave-circulation system using unstructured-grid coupled models. Bai, P., L. Wang, P. CHU, N. HAWLEY, A. FUJISAKI-MANOME, J.A. KESSLER, B.M. LOFGREN, D. BELETSKY, E.J. ANDERSON, and Y. Li.
Observing Systems for Ecosystem Understanding and Decision Support. RUBERG, S.A., A.J. VANDER WOUDE, K. BEADLE, S.A. CONSTANT, R.W. MUZZI, T.H. JOHENGEN, R.J. MILLER, M.J. Sayers, R.A. Shuchman, J.P. SMITH, A.M. BURTNER, and H.L. PURCELL.
Precipitation impacts on lake ice and water temperature in the North American Great Lakes. FUJISAKI-MANOME, A., E.J. ANDERSON, J.A. KESSLER, P. CHU, J. WANG, and A.D. Gronewold.
AGU 2018 - December 10-14, Washington, D.C.Linking Continental-Scale Watershed Hydrologic and Coastal Hydrodynamic Models for Improved Water Level and Inundation Prediction in the Great Lakes. ANDERSON, E.J., L. Read, J.A. KESSLER, C. Huang, P. Xue, L. MASON, L.M. Fry, and Y. Hong.
Developing a Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Flood Forecasting System for Lake Champlain. BELETSKY, D., J. FEYEN, L. MASON, C. XIAO, A.D. Gronewold, D. TITZE, H. HU, E.J. ANDERSON, P. CHU, L. Read, and W. Saunders.
Consistent, Long-term Ice Cover Observations and Satellite Altimetry Ice Thickness Retrieval Studies for the Laurentian Great Lakes Yang, T.Y., J.A. KESSLER, L. MASON, P. CHU, J. WANG, Y. Jia, and C.K. Shum.
Assessing Runoff Risk to Support Nutrient Application Timing Using a Hybrid of Physically-based and Statistical Models—an Application of National Water Model. Hu, Y., L. FITZPATRICK, D. Goering, L. MASON, L.M. Fry, L. Read, A. Thorstensen, and B.M. LOFGREN.
Evaluation of Precipitation Fields for National Water Model Prediction over Large Lakes and International Basins. Fry, L.M., E.J. ANDERSON, L. Read, A.R. Nasab, Y. Hong, and J.A. KESSLER.
Enhancing total water prediction for the Great Lakes through calibration of the National Water Model in Canadian watersheds CHU, P., T. HUNTER, L.M. Fry, L. MASON, K. Sampson, L. Read, A.D. Gronewold, D. Gochis, A.R. Nasab, and L. Karsten.
ELLS-IAGLR-2018 - September 23-28, Evian, FranceImpacts of Sensible Heat from Precipitation on Ice Cover in Large Lakes FUJISAKI-MANOME, A., E.J. ANDERSON, J.A. KESSLER, G.A. LANG, J. WANG, P. CHU, and A.D. GRONEWOLD.
Strengthening cross-agency bi-national partnerships to improve water prediction and management capabilities. GRONEWOLD, A.D., L.M. Fry, V. Fortin, and J. Noel.
Monitoring Water Level Variations over the Great Lakes Using Contemporary Satellite Geodetic Observations. Jia, Y., C.K. Shum, P. CHU, and E. Forootan.
Driving a 3-Dimensional Lake Dynamics Model Using a Global General Circulation Model: A Proof of Concept.. LOFGREN, B.M., M. Winton, J. WANG, E.J. ANDERSON, H. HU, A. FUJISAKI-MANOME, J.A. KESSLER, C. XIAO, and G.A. LANG.
Quantifying data uncertainty and bias in a Bayesian model for large lake systems. SMITH, J.P., A.D. GRONEWOLD, and S. Steinschneider.
2018 NOAA Modeling Meeting and Fair - September 10-12, College Park, MDDeveloping a Sustainable Lake Forecasting System CHU, P., E.J. ANDERSON, D.H. LEE, P. Xue, T. Baracchini, and A.J. Wuest.
IAGLR 2018 - June 18-22, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaDeveloping Ecological Forecasts and Applications Linked to the Great Lakes Operational Forecast System models ROWE, M.D., D.M. MASON, E.J. ANDERSON, and F. MARTINEZ.
Predicted biomass and food web impacts of Bigheaded carp across Great Lakes habitats RUTHERFORD, E.S., H. ZHANG, Y.-C. Kao, D.M. MASON, A. SHAKOOR, D.M. Lodge, and W.L. Chadderton.
2018 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting - February 12-16, Portland, OR
98th AMS Annual Meeting - January 7-11, 2018, Austin, TXModeling Bioenergetic Habitat Suitability for Invasive Bigheaded Carp in Lake Michigan ALSIP, P., H. ZHANG, M.D. ROWE, E.S. RUTHERFORD, D.M. MASON, C.M. Riseng, and Z. Su
Revisiting Historical Meteotsunami Events in Lake Huron ANDERSON, E.J., C.H. Wu, A.J. Bechle, P. CHU, and S. Wu.
Toward a Reliable Detection and Early Warning System for Meteotsunami Events in an Operational Environment CHU, P., E.J. ANDERSON, C.H. Wu, A.J. Bechle, A. Linares, G.E. Mann, and M. Angove.
Modeling Muskegon Lake – A Freshwater Estuary under Stress Liu, Q., E.J. ANDERSON, J. Zhang, A. Weinke, K. Knapp, and B.A. Biddanda
Coastal upwelling dynamics influence spatial patterns of hypoxia and nearshore hypoxia events in the central basin of Lake Erie ROWE, M.D., E.J. ANDERSON, S.A. RUBERG, D. BELETSKY, H. ZHANG, T.H. JOHENGEN, S. Moegling, E.M. Verhamme, and C.A. STOW.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans, LAImplementing the WRF-Hydro Modeling System in the Great Lakes Region XIAO, C., B.M. LOFGREN, A.D. GRONEWOLD, D. GOCHIS, L. Mason, L. PEI, and K. Sampson.
IAGLR 2017 - 60th annual Conference on Great Lakes Research - May 15-19, Detroit, MIApplication of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble to seasonal water supply forecasting. Apps, D., L.M. Fry, R. Bollinger, and A.D. GRONEWOLD.
Reconstructing Evaporation over Lake Erie During the Historic November 2014 Lake Effect Snow Event. FITZPATRICK, L., A.F. MANOME, A.D. GRONEWOLD, E.J. ANDERSON, C. Spence, J. Chen, C. Shao, D. Wright, B.M. LOFGREN, and D.J. Schwab.
An Operational Short-Term Forecasting System for Regional Hydropower Management. Labuhn, K., T. Calappi, A.D. GRONEWOLD, E.J. ANDERSON, and A. MacNeil.
Validating modeled turbulent heat fluxes across large freshwater surfaces. MANOME, A.F., A.D. GRONEWOLD, B.M. LOFGREN, E.J. ANDERSON, L. FITZPATRICK, P.D. Blanken, C. Spence, J.D. Lenters, U. Charusombat, C. XIAO, and G. Cutrell.
Customizing WRF-Hydro for the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. PEI, L., A.D. GRONEWOLD, D. Gochis, L. Mason, K. Sampson, A. Dugger, L. Read, J. McCreight, C. XIAO, B.M. LOFGREN, E.J. ANDERSON, and P. CHU.
American Meteorological Society - January 22-26, Seattle, WAThe Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System Watchlist ALSIP, P., RICE, N.M., IOTT, S., STURTEVANT, R.A., MARTINEZ, F. and RUTHERFORD, E.S.
Hydrodynamics of Western Lake Erie. BELETSKY, D., ANDERSON, E.J. and BELETSKY, R.
Forecasting Lake Levels Under Climate Change: Implications of Bias Correction. Channell, K.E., GRONEWOLD, A.D., XIAO, C., Rood, R.B., LOFGREN, B.M. and HUNTER, T.
Reconstructing evaporation over Lake Erie during the historic November 2014 lake effect snow event. FITZPATRICK, L.E., FUJISAKI-MANOME, A., GRONEWOLD, A.D., ANDERSON, E.J., Spence, C., Chen, J., Shao, C., Posselt, D., Wright, D., LOFGREN, B.M. and Schwab, D.J.,
Using the Fluoromarker Calcein to Assess Growth Rates of Quagga Mussels in situ. MABREY, K., GLYSHAW, P. and ELGIN, A.K.
Effect of light exposure and nutrients on buoyancy of Microcystis colonies Ming, T., VANDERPLOEG, H.A., ROWE, M.D., FANSLOW, D.L., Strickler, J.R., MILLER, R.J., JOHENGEN, T.H., DAVIS, T.W. and GOSSIAUX, D.C.
MCMC modelling with JAGS and applications in the Great Lakes SMITH, J.P., MASON, L., Qian, S.S. and GRONEWOLD, A.D.
Shock and Awe! Estimating Mysis Density and Catch Avoidance using the MOCNESS in SE Lake Michigan. WELLS, D.J., Psarouthakis, Z., RUTHERFORD, E.S., Chin, T., VANDERPLOEG, H.A., CAVALETTO, J.F. and GLYSHAW, P.
Implementation of the WRF-Hydro Model in the Great Lakes Region. XIAO, C., LOFGREN, B.M., GRONEWOLD, A.D., Gochis, D., MASON, L. and PEI, L.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - December 12-16, 2016, San Francisco, CARegional Hydrological Response from Statistically Downscaled Future Climate Projections in the 21st Century Pei, L., A. GRONEWOLD, T. HUNTER, and R. Bolinger
Reconstructing Evaporation over Lake Erie during the Historic November 2014 Lake Effect Snow Event Fitzpatrick, L. E., A. Manome, A. GRONEWOLD, E. J. ANDERSON, C. Spence, J. Chen, C. Shao, D. M. Wright, B. M. LOFGREN, C. Xiao, D. J. Posselt, and D. J. Schwab
Simulating and Forecasting Seasonal Ice CoverJi, X., H. Daher, R. Bolinger, A. GRONEWOLD, and R. B. Rood
AMS 21st Conference on Satellite Meteorology and 20th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction - August 15-19, 2016, Madison, WICoupled Atmosphere-Surface Modeling of Lake Levels of the North American Great Lakes under Climate Change. LOGFGREN, B, M., and C. Xiao
Ocean Sciences 2016 - February 21-26, 2016, New Orleans, LAAn Operational Algorithm for the Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters in the Great Lakes from Satellite Data LESHKEVICH, G.A., R.A. Shuchman, M.J. Sayers, and R. Sawtell.
American Meteorological Society - January 10-14, New Orleans, LAMeteotsunamis in the Great Lakes and Investigation into Recent Events on Lake Erie and Lake Superior. ANDERSON, E.J., A.J. Bechle, G.A. LANG, C.H. Wu, G.E. Mann, D.J. SCHWAB, and K.A. Lombardy.
Simulation of Phytoplankton Distribution and Variation in the Bering-Chukchi Sea using a 3-D Physical-Biological Model. HU, H., J. WANG, Liu, H., and Goes, J.
Simulating hydrodynamics and ice cover in Lake Erie using an unstructured grid model. MANOME, A.F., and J. WANG.
Simulation of advection and vertical distribution of buoyant cyanobacterial colonies in Lake Erie with a Lagrangian particle model for short-term forecasts of harmful algal blooms. ROWE, M.D., E.J. ANDERSON, T.T. Wynne, R.P. Stumpf, D. FANSLOW, K. Kijanka, H.A. VANDERPLOEG, and T.W. DAVIS.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - December 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, CAIntegration of Great Lakes Water Resources into National and Continental Systems for Weather and Climate Prediction. LOFGREN, B.M., GRONEWOLD, A.D., XIAO, C., and BOLINGER, R.A.
A Dynamical Downscaling study in the Great Lakes Region Using WRF/Lake: Simulation & Projection. XIAO, C. and LOFGREN, B.M.
Eighth Symposia on Harmful Algae in the U.S. - November 15-19, 2015, Long Beach, CAThe dynamics of Laurentian Great Lakes surface energy budgets. Blanken, P.D., C. Spence, J. Lenters, B. Kerkez, A.D. GRONEWOLD, P. Xue, and N. Froelich.
Using NMME in region-specific operational seasonal climate forecasts. BOLINGER, R.A., A.D. GRONEWOLD, L.M. Fry, and K.W. Kompoltowicz
The Great Lakes Runoff Intercomparison Project (GRIP): Phase II - Lake Ontario. Gaborit, E., V. Fortin, B. Tolson, L.M. Fry, T.S. HUNTER, and A.D. GRONEWOLD
Development of an immunoassay for autonomous, subsurface detection of particle microcystins in Lake Erie. C. Mikulski, A. Ritzenthaler, S. Ruberg, and T. Davis, and G. Douchette58th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research - May 25-29, 2015, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Global Solutions to Regional Problems - April 13-14, 2015, Bowling Green, OHDevelopment of an immunoassay for near real-time detection of particulate microcystins in Lake Erie. Ritzenthaler, A., C. Mikulski, G. Doucette, S. Ruberg, and T. Davis
A historical hydrometeorological database for the Great Lakes. Hunter, T., A.H. Clites, R.A. Bolinger, and A.D. Gronewold
Quantifying uncertainty in St. Marys River flow estimates. Johns, M., H. Jones, J. Bruxer, C. Jarema, and A.D. Gronewold
American Meteorological Society - January 4-8, 2015, Phoenix, AZSensitivity of simulated Microcystis colony vertical distribution to turbulent mixing and buoyancy in a model for short-term forecasts of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie. Rowe, M.D., E.J. Anderson, H.A. Vanderploeg, D.L. Fanslow, T.H. Johengen, and T.W. Davis
Examination of environmental drivers and seasonal dynamics associated with the development and persistence of Harmful Algal Blooms in western Lake Erie. Johengen, T., D. Palladino, A. Burtner, S. Ruberg, and T. Davis.
Harmful Algal Blooms Monitoring, Modeling, and Remote Sensing: Advancing Predictions of Bloom Intensity and Movement Davis, T., E. Anderson, T. Johengen, S. Ruberg, M. Rowe, A. VanderWoude, and S. Joshi
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - December 15-19, 2014, San Francisco, CAA new ice-surface temperature dataset of the Great Lakes from MODIS. Hall, D.K., G.A. LESHKEVICH, S.V. Nghiem, N.E. DiGirolamo, and G.A. Riggs
Improving Great Lakes regional operational water budget and water level forecasting. BOLINGER , R.A., K.A. Kompoltowicz, T.S. HUNTER, and A.D. GRONEWOLD.
Quantification of temperature and precipitation variability over the Great Lakes. BOLINGER, R.A., K.A. Kompoltowicz, and A.D. GRONEWOLD
Improving estimates of evaporation from Earth's largest lake system. GRONEWOLD, A.D., P.D. Blanken, C. Spence, J. Lenters, B. Kerkez, W. Leger, K. Paige, T. Slawecki, F. Seglenieks, V. Fortin, M.J. Froelich, S.A. RUBERG, D. Wolfe, C.W. Fairall, and J. Chen.
Ocean Optics XXII - October 26-31, 2014, Portland, MEModeling transitions in the hydrologic and thermal regimes of Earth's largest lake system. GRONEWOLD, A.D., E.J. ANDERSON, B.M. LOFGREN, P.D. Blanken, J. WANG, J.P. SMITH, T.S. HUNTER, G.A. LANG, and C.A. STOW.
Monitoring bacterial water quality for application to watershed and nearshore fate and transport model development. FRY, L.M., A. RITZETHALER, E. KRAMER, and E.J. ANDERSON
Probabilistic forecasting of harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie. Obenour, D.R., A.D. GRONEWOLD, C.A. STOW, I. Bertani, C.E. Steger, S.A. RUBERG, and D. Scavia.
Comparing measurements, simulations, and forecasts of snow water equivalent across the Great Lakes basin. BOLINGER, R.A., A.D. GRONEWOLD, C. Olheiser, and B. Krumweide.
A dynamical downscaling study in the Great Lakes region using WRF/Lake: Historical simulation. Xiao, C., and B.M. LOFGREN
57th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research - May 26-30, 2014, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, CanadaOptical characteristics of harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie: Impacts on bio-optical algorithms and ocean color remote sensing. Moore, T., C. Mouw, J. Sullivan, M. Twardowski, S. RUBERG, and T. JOHENGEN.
A study of Great Lakes effects on synoptic processes by using WRF comparison experiments. Xiao, C., and B.M. Lofgren.22nd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation - Nov. 3-7, 2013, San Diego, CA
Life on the edge: The spatial structure of the food webs of Lakes Michigan and Huron before and after the major expansion of quagga mussels into deep water. Vanderploeg, H.A., E.S. Rutherford, D. Krueger, D.M. Mason, J.R. Liebig, G.L. Fahnenstiel, S.A. Pothoven, S.A. Ruberg, S.A. Constant, and D.B. Bunnell.
Persistent wind fields over the Great Lakes, 2002-2013. Lang, G.A., and G.A. Leshkevich.
Simulation of Lake Erie ice. Hu, H., J. Wang, D.J. Schwab, D. Beletsky, G.A. Leshkevich, N. Hawley, and A.H. Clites.
Impact of hypoxia on habitat quality of pelagic fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Zhang, H., D.M. Mason, C.A. Stow, A.T. Adamack, S. Brandt, X. Zhang, D. Kimmel, M.R. Roman, W. Boicourt, and S.A. Ludsin.56th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research - June 2-6, 2013, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN.
Implications of an improved hydrologic model for understanding near shore hydrodynamics: Impacts of the Clinton River Spillway on predicting beach water quality. Clites, A.H., E. Kramer, L.M. Fry, E.J. Anderson, and A.D. Gronewold.Alaska Marine Science Symposium - January 21-25 2013, Anchorage, AK.
Diel vertical migration patterns in Lakes Michigan and Huron observed at fine spatial scale using the laser optical plankton counter. Liebig, J.R., H.A. Vanderploeg, G.A. Lang, J.F. Cavaletto, E.S. Rutherford, S.A. Ruberg, and S.A. Constant.
Monitoring and analysis of Escherichia coli in the nearshore waters of Lake St. Clair. Paine, A.L., A.A. Ritzenthaler, E.L. Kramer, and A.D. Gronewold.
A modeling study of sea ice and plankton in the Bering and Chukchi Seas during 2007-2008. Wang, J., H. Hu.American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - December 3-7, 2012, San Francisco CA
Assessment of the Differences of Watershed Physical Characteristics between Gaged and Ungaged Portions of the Great Lakes Basin. Fry, L.M., J.M. Kult, A.D. Gronewold, and T. HunterNorth American Lake Management Society - November 7-9, 2012, Madison, WI
The Great Lakes Runoff Intercomparison Project. Fry, L.M., A.D. Gronewold, V. Fortin, D. Holtschlag, S. Buan, A. Clites, T. Hunter, F. Seglenieks, E. Klyszejko, C. Luukkonen, L. Diamond, and K. Kea.
Forecasting Recreational Water Quality Standard Violations with a Linked Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Modeling System. Gronewold, A.D., A. Ritzenthaler, L.M. Fry, and E.J. Anderson.
Regionalization of hydrologic response in the Great Lakes basin: Considerations of temporal and spatial scales of analysis. Kult, J., L.M. Fry, A.D. Gronewold, and W. Choi.
Poincaré wave-induced shear Instability in Lake Michigan. Hsieh, T.C., C. Troy, and N. Hawley.
Non-monotonic Trends in Citizen-Based Regional Lake Water Clarity. Lottig, N., T. Wagner K.S. Cheruvelil, E. Norton, C.A. Stow, J.A. Downing, and K.W. Webster.3rd MERIS - SENTINEL-3 Workshop - October 15-19, 2012, Frascati, Italy
An operational algorithm to retrieve chlorophyll, DOC, and suspended minerals from satellite data of the Great Lakes. Leshkevich, G.A., R.Shuchman, and M.Sayers.Great Lakes Beach Association Conference - October 16-17, 2012, Mackinac Island, MI.
NOAA beach water quality experimental forecasts. Rockwell, D.C., K. Campbell, G. Mann, R. Wagenmaker, and D. Schwab.
The NOAA Central Library maintains an Institutional Repository, as well as a database of journal articles by all NOAA-affiliated authors. NOAA GLERL research publications are also listed on these sites.
If you have difficulty accessing information within GLERL publications, please email us at oar.glerl.pubs@noaa.gov obtain an accessible document.