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ASSEL, R. A. Detroit River - Western Lake Erie Basin Indicator Project. Indicator: Lake Erie Ice Cover. U.S. EPA Web Site, pp. (2006).
Barbiero, R. P., T. F. NALEPA, and M. L. Tuchman. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthos. In The State of Lake Huron in 1999. M.P. Ebener (Ed.). Special Publication 05-02. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 33-41 (2005).
Biddanda, B. A., D. F. Coleman, T. H. JOHENGEN, S. A. RUBERG, G. A. Meadows, H. W. VanSumeren, R. R. Rediske, and S. T. Kendall. Exploration of a submerged sinkhole ecosystem in Lake Michigan. Ecosystems 9:828-842 (2006).
BRANDT, S. B., J. Hendee, P. Levin, J. Phinney, D. Schuerer, and F. Schwing. Ecological forecasting. White Paper #5. In Ecosystem Science Capabilities Required to Support NOAA's Mission in the Year 2020. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-74. S.A. Murawski and G.C. Matlock (Eds.). NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD, 52-63 (2006).
Bundy, M. H., H. A. VANDERPLOEG, P. J. Lavrentyev, and P. A. Kovalcik. The importance of microzooplankton versus phytoplankton to copepod populations during late winter and early spring in Lake Michigan. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2371-2385 (2005).
Bunnell, D. B., C. P. Madenjian, and T. E. CROLEY II. Long-term trends of bloater (Coregonus hoyi) recruitment in Lake Michigan: evidence for the effect of sex ratio. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:832-844 (2006).
Cardenas, M. P., D. J. SCHWAB, B. J. EADIE, N. HAWLEY, and B. M. Lesht. Sediment transport model validation in Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31:373-385 (2005).
Carter, G., P. Restrepo, J. Hameedi, P. Ortner, C. E. SELLINGER, J. Stein, and T. Beechie. Freshwater issues. White Paper #3. In Ecosystem Science Capabilities Required to Support NOAA's Mission in the Year 2020. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-74. S.A. Murawski and G.C. Matlock (Eds.). NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD, 29-39 (2006).
CARTER, G. S., T. F. NALEPA, and R. R. Rediske. Status and trends of benthic populations in a coastal drowned river mouth lake of Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:578-595 (2006).
Cowden, J. R., D. Watkins, and T. E. CROLEY II. Investigating urban land use effects on runoff by using the distributed large basin runoff model. Proceedings, The World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006: Examining the Confluence of Environmental and Water Concerns, Omaha, Nebraska, May 21-25, 2006. Environmental Water Resources Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers, 9 pp. (2006).
CROLEY, T. E., II. Modified Great Lakes hydrology modeling system for considering simple extreme climates. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-137. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 27 pp. (2006).
CROLEY, T. E. II. Using climatic predictions in Great Lakes hydrologic forecasts. In ASCE Task Committee Report on Climatic Variations, Climate Change, and Water Resources Engineering. J. Garbrecht and T. Piechota (Eds.) . American Society of Civil Engineers, Arlington, VA, 164-185 (2006).
CROLEY, T. E. II., and C. He. Watershed surface and subsurface spatial intraflows model. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 11(1):12-20 (2006).
DeMaster, D., M. Fogarty, D. M. MASON, G. Matlock, and A. Hollowed. Management of living marine resources in an ecosystem context. White paper #2. In Ecosystem Science Capabilities Required to Support NOAA's Mission in the Year 2020. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-74. S.A. Murawski and G.C. Matlock (Eds.). NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD, 15-28 (2006).
DYBLE, J., P. A. Tester, and R. W. Litaker. Effects of light intensity on cylindrospermopsin production in the cyanobacterial HAB species Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. African Journal of Marine Science 28(2):309-312 (2006).
FOLEY, A. J. III, T. F. NALEPA, G. K. Walker, and M. J. McCORMICK. Epibiont populations associated with Diporeia spp. (amphipoda) from Lake Michigan. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29:1205-1211 (2006).
Gregson, B. P., D. F. Millie, C. Cao, G. L. FAHNENSTIEL, R. J. Pigg, and D. P. Fries. Simplified enrichment and identification of environmental peptide toxins using antibody-capture surfaces with subsequent mass spectrometry detection. Journal of Chromatography A 1123(2):233-238 (2006).
HAWLEY, N., T. H. JOHENGEN, Y. R. Rao, S. A. RUBERG, D. BELETSKY, S. A. LUDSIN, B. J. EADIE, D. J. SCHWAB, T. E. CROLEY II, and S. B. BRANDT. Lake Erie hypoxia prompts Canada-U.S. study. EOS Transactions 86(32):313-319 (2006).
He, C., and T. E. CROLEY II. Spatially modeling nonpoint source pollution loadings in the Saginaw Bay watersheds with the DLBRM. Geographic Information Systems and Water Resources IV, AWRA Spring Specialty Conference, Houston, TX, May 8-10, 2006. American Water Resources Association, 8 pp. (2006).
Hong, Y., A. Steinman, B. Biddanda, R. Rediske, and G. L. FAHNENSTIEL. Note. Occurrence of the toxin-producing Cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in Mona and Muskegon Lakes, Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:645-652 (2006).
Hultquist, T. R., M. R. Dutter, and D. J. SCHWAB. Reexamination of the 9-10 November 1975 Edmund Fitzgerald storm using today's technology. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 87(5):607-622 (2006).
JAEGAR, A. L. Invasive species impacts on ecosystem structure and function. Master's Thesis. Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, E. Lansing, MI, 210 pp. (2006).
JOSEPH, S. Beach closures and human health. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2006).
LEE, J. H., and P. F. LANDRUM. Development of a Multi-component Damage Assessment Model (MDAM) for time-dependent mixture toxicity with toxicokinetic interactions. Environmental Science and Technology 40(4):1341-1349 (2006).
LEE, J. H., and P. F. LANDRUM. Application of a Multi-component Damage Assessment Model (MDAM) for the toxicity of metabolized PAH in Hyalella azteca. Environmental Science and Technology 40(4):1350-1357 (2006).
LIEBIG, J. R., H. A. VANDERPLOEG, and S. A. RUBERG. Factors affecting the performance of the optical plankton counter in large lakes: insights from Lake Michigan and laboratory studies. Journal of Geophysical Research 111(C05S02):10 pp. (2006).
Lindberg, W. J., T. K. Frazer, K. P. Portier, F. Vose, J. Loftin, D. J. Murie, D. M. MASON, B. Nagy, and M. K. Hart. Density-dependent habitat selection and performance by a large mobile reef fish. Ecological Applications 16(2):731-746 (2006).
Liu, L., M. S. Phanikumar, S. L. Molloy, R. L. Whitman, D. A. Shively, M. B. Nevers, D. J. SCHWAB, and J. B. Rose. Modeling the transport and inactivation of E. coli and Enterococci in the near-shore region of Lake Michigan. Environmental Science and Technology 40(16):5022-5028 (2006).
LIU, P. C., K. R. MacHuchon, and C. H. Wu. Exploring rogue waves from observations in South Indian Ocean. In Rogue Waves 2004. M. Olagnon and M. Prevosto (Eds.). Ifremer, Brest, France, 1-10 (2004).
LIU, P. C., and K. R. MacHutchon. Are there different kinds of rogue waves? Proceedings, 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, June 4-9, 2006. ASME, 6 pp. (2006).
LUDSIN, S. A., B. J. Fryer, and J. E. Gagnon. Comparison of solution-based versus laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for analysis of larval fish otolith microelemental composition. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:218-231 (2006).
Madenjian, C. P., D. V. O'Connor, S. A. POTHOVEN, P. J. Schneeberger, R. R. Rediske, J. P. O'Keefe, R. A. Bergstedt, R. L. Argyle, and S. B. BRANDT. Evaluation of a Lake Whitefish bioenergetics model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:61-75 (2006).
Madenjian, C. P., S. A. POTHOVEN, J. M. Dettmers, and J. D. Holuszko. Changes in seasonal energy dynamics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in Lake Michigan after invasion of dreissenid mussels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:891-902 (2006).
Mantha, P. S., J. B. Rose, and S. JOSEPH. Water pollution studies for the lower Grand River, MI. Michigan State University Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, E. Lansing, MI, 2 pp. (2006).
MASON, D. M., T. B. Johnson, C. J. Harvey, J. F. Kitchell, S. T. Schram, C. R. Bronte, M. H. Hoff, S. J. LOZANO, A. S. Trebitz, D. R. Schreiner, E. C. Lamon, and T. Hrabik. Hydroacoustic estimates of abundance and spatial distribution of pelagic prey fishes in western Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31:426-438 (2005).
McCORMICK, M. J., T. O. Manley, A. J. FOLEY III, J. C. Gascard, and G. L. FAHNENSTIEL. Lake Champlain Lagrangian experiment. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29:1683-1687 (2006).
Millie, D. F., G. R. Weckman, H. W. Paerl, J. L. Pinckney, B. J. Bendis, R. J. Pigg, and G. L. FAHNENSTIEL. Neural net modeling of estuarine indicators: Hindcasting phytoplankton biomass and net ecosystem production in the Neuse (North Carolina) and Trout (Florida) rivers, USA. Ecological Indicators 6(3):589-608 (2006).
Millie, D. F., G. R. Weckman, R. J. Pigg, P. A. Tester, J. DYBLE, R. W. Litaker, H. J. Carrick, and G. L. FAHNENSTIEL. Modeling phytoplankton abundance in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron: Using artificial neural networks to discern functional influence of environmental variables and relevance to a Great Lakes observing system. Journal of Phycology 42:336-349 (2006).
NALEPA, T. F., D. L. FANSLOW, A. J. FOLEY III, G. A. LANG, B. J. EADIE, and M. A. QUIGLEY. Continued disappearance of the benthic amphipod Diporeia spp. in Lake Michigan: Is there evidence of food limitation? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:872-890 (2006).
NALEPA, T. F., D. L. FANSLOW, A. J. FOLEY III, G. A. LANG, B. J. EADIE, and M. A. QUIGLEY. Continued disappearance of the benthic amphipod Diporeia spp. in Lake Michigan: Is there evidence for food limitation? Aquatic Invaders 17(3):1-12 (2006).
NALEPA, T. F., D. C. Rockwell, and D. W. Schloesser. Disappearance of the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes: Workshop summary, discussion, and recommendations. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-136. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 20 pp. (2006).
Osgood, K., N. Cyr, O. C. T., J. Polovina, D. J. SCHWAB, and P. Stabeno. Ecosystem responses for climate variability. White Paper #1. In Ecosystem Science Capabilities Required to Support NOAA's Mission in the Year 2020. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-74. S.A. Murawski and G.C. Matlock (Eds.). NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD, 6-14 (2006).
PANGLE, K. L., and S. D. PEACOR. Non-lethal effect of the invasive predator Bythotrephes longimanus on Daphnia mendotae. Freshwater Biology 51:1070-1078 (2006).
PEACOR, S. D., and C. A. Pfister. Experimental and model analyses of the effects of competition on individual size variation in wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:990-999 (2006).
Plattner, S., D. M. MASON, G. A. LESHKEVICH, D. J. SCHWAB, and E. S. Rutherford. Classifying and forecasting coastal upwellings in Lake Michigan using satellite derived temperature images and buoy data. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:63-76 (2006).
POTHOVEN, S. A., and T. F. NALEPA. Feeding ecology of lake whitefish in Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:489-501 (2006).
POTHOVEN, S. A., T. F. NALEPA, C. P. Madenjian, R. R. Rediske, P. J. Schneeberger, and J. X. He. Energy density of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis in Lakes Huron and Michigan. Environmental Biology of Fishes 76:151-158 (2006).
QUINN, F. H., and C. E. SELLINGER. A reconstruction of Lake Michigan-Huron water levels derived from tree ring chronologies for the period 1600-1961. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:29-39 (2006).
RAIKOW, D. F., D. F. REID, E. E. MAYNARD, and P. F. LANDRUM. Sensitivity of aquatic invertebrate resting eggs to SeaKleen (Menadione): A test of potential ballast tank treatment options. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25(2):552-559 (2006).
Reavie, E. D., J. A. ROBBINS, E. F. Stoermer, M. S. V. Douglas, G. E. Emmert, N. R. MOREHEAD, and A. Mudroch. Paleolimnology of a fluvial lake downstream of Lake Superior and the industrialized region of Sault Saint Marie. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2586-2608 (2005).
SANO, L. L., S. M. Bartell, and P. F. LANDRUM. Decay model for biocide treatment of unballasted vessels: Application for the Laurentian Great Lakes. Marine Pollution Bulletin 20:1050-1060 (2005).
Schiesari, L., S. D. PEACOR, and E. E. Werner. The growth-mortality tradeoff: Evidence from Anuran larvae and consequences for species distribution. Oecologia 149:194-202 (2006).
Schuler, L. J., P. F. LANDRUM, and M. J. Lydy. Comparative toxicity of fluoranthene and pentachlorobenzene to three freshwater invertebrates. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25(4):985-994 (2006).
SCHWAB, D. J., B. J. EADIE, R. A. ASSEL, and P. J. Roebber. Climatology of large sediment resuspension events in southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:50-62 (2006).
Stroud, J., B. M. Lesht, D. J. SCHWAB, D. BELETSKY, and M. L. Stein. Tracking suspended sediment motion in Lake Michigan by combining satellite images with a numerical model. Technical Report No. 38. The University of Chicago, Center for Integrating Statistical and Environmental Science, Chicago, IL, 36 pp. (2006).
Tirelli, V., D. Borme, F. Tulli, M. Cigar, S. Fonda Umani, and S. B. BRANDT. Energy density of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus L. in the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Fish Biology 68:982-989 (2006).
VANDERPLOEG, H. A., and M. R. Roman. Introduction to special section on analysis of zooplankton distributions using the optical plankton counter. Journal of Geophysical Research 111(C05S01):doi:10.1029/2006JC003598 (2006).
Werner, E. E., and S. D. PEACOR. Lethal and non-lethal predator effects on an herbivore guild mediated by system productivity. Ecology 87(2):347-361 (2006).
Zhulidov, A. V., T. F. NALEPA, A. V. Kozhara, D. A. Zhulidov, and T. Y. Gurtovaya. Recent trends in relative abundance of two dreissenid species, Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis in the lower Don River System, Russia. Archives fur Hydrobiologie 165(2):209-220 (2006).
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