ASSEL, R. A. Chapter 6. Great Lakes Ice Cover. In Potential Climate Change Effects on Great Lakes Hydrodynamics and Water Quality, D.C.L. Lam and W.M. Schertzer, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, pp. 6.1-6.21 (1999).
ASSEL, R. A., J. E. Janowiak, D. C. NORTON, and C. O' Connors. Climate perspective of the 1997-98 Laurentian Great Lakes ice cover. Proceedings, 10th Symposium on Global Change Studies, 79th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Dallas, TX, January 10-15, 1999. pp. 73-76 (1999).
BEETON, A. M., and R. S. Schneider. A century of Great Lakes research at the University of Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 24(3):495-517 (1998).
BELETSKY, D., K. K. LEE, and D. J. SCHWAB. Large Scale Circulation. In Potential Climate Change Effects on Great Lakes Hydrodynamics and Water Quality, D.C.L. Lam and W.M. Schertzer, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, pp. 4.1-4.42 (1999).
BELETSKY, D., J. H. SAYLOR, and D. J. SCHWAB. Mean circulation in the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25(1):78-93 (1999).
BUNDY, M. H., T. F. Gross, H. A. VANDERPLOEG, and J. R. Strickler. Perception of inert particles by calanoid copepods: Behavioral observations and a numerical model. Journal of Plankton Research 20(11):2129-2152 (1998).
CAVALETTO, J. F., and W. S. GARDNER. Seasonal dynamics of lipids in freshwater benthic invertebrates. In Lipids in Freshwater Ecosystems, M. Arts and B. Wainman, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, pp. 109-131 (1998).
CLITES, A. H., and D. H. LEE. MIDLAKES: A coordinated hydrologic response model for the middle Great Lakes. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-109, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 48 pp. (1998).
EADIE, B. J., and S. Lozano. Grain size distribution of the surface sediments collected during the Lake Michigan Mass Balance and Environmental Mapping and Assessment Programs. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-111, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (NTIS# PB99-144966/XAB) 43 pp. (1999).
Evans, M. S., B. J. EADIE, and R. M. Glover. Sediment trap studies in southeastern Lake Michigan: fecal pellet express or the more traveled route? Journal of Great Lakes Research 24(3):555-568 (1998).
FAHNENSTIEL, G. L., A. E. KRAUSE, M. J. MCCORMICK, H. J. Carrick, and C. L. Schelske. The structure of the planktonic food-web in the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 24(3):531-554 (1998).
Fisher, S. W., S. W. Chordas, and P. F. LANDRUM. Lethal and sublethal body residues for PCB intoxication in the oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus. Aquatic Toxicology 45:115-126 (1999).
Fisher, S. W., H. Hwang, M. Atanasoff, and P. F. LANDRUM. Lethal body residues for Pentachlorophenol in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) under varying conditions of temperature and pH. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 43:274-283 (1999).
GARDNER, W. S., J. F. CAVALETTO, H. A. BOOTSMA, P. J. LAVRENTYEV, and F. Troncone. Nitrogen cycling rates and light effects in tropical Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. Limnology and Oceanography 43(8):1814-1825 (1998).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Waterborne Contaminants in the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (1999).
Haro, A., J. K. HORNE, D. Degan, B. Kulik, and J. Boubee. An investigation of the feasibility of employing hydroacoustic monitoring as a means to detect the presence and movement of large, adult eeels (Genus Angiulla). CARFC Internal Report 99-01, CARFC, Turners Falls, MA, 43 pp. (1999).
HORNE, J. K. Book Review: Animal Groups in Three Dimensions. Journal of Fish Biology 54(6):1343-1344 (1999).
HORNE, J. K., and J. M. JECH. Multi-frequency estimates of fish abundance: constraints of rather high frequencies. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56:184-199 (1999).
Houde, E. D., S. Jukic-Peladic, and S. B. BRANDT. Fisheries: Trends in Catches, Abundance and Management. In Ecosystems at the Land-Sea Margin, T. Malone et al. (eds.), 341-366 (1999).
Jeremiason, J. D., S. J. Eisenreich, J. E. Baker, and B. J. EADIE. PCB decline in settling particles and benthic recycling of PCBs and PAHs in Lake Superior. Environmental Science and Technology 32:3249-3256 (1998).
Kelley, J. G. W., J. S. Hobgood, K. W. Bedford, and D. J. SCHWAB. Generation of three-dimensional lake model forecasts for Lake Erie. Weather and Forecasting September:659-687 (1998).
Kerfoot, W.C., and J.A. ROBBINS. Nearshore regions of Lake Superior: Multi-element signatures of mining discharges and a test of Pb-210 deposition under conditions of variable sediment mass flux. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25(4):697-720 (1999).
Kerfoot, W.D., C. harting, R. Rossmann, and J.A. ROBBINS. Anthropogenic copper inventories and mercury profiles from Lake Superior: Evidence for mining impacts. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25(4):663-682 (1999).
Kerfoot, W. C., J. A. ROBBINS, and L. J. Weider. A new approach to historical reconstruction: Combining descriptive and experimental paleolimnology. Limnology and Oceanography 44(5):1232-1247 (1999).
Kryza, J., and F. H. QUINN. Large Lakes Groundwater Budget. Final Report on the Bi-National Polish/U.S. Project on Comparative Groundwater Mass Water Balance Study between U.S. Great Lakes (Michigan) and Large Lake in Poland. University of Wroclaw, Laboratory of Environmental Geology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 41 pp. (1999).
LANDRUM, P. F., and S. W. Fisher. Influence of lipids on bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of organic contaminants in aquatic organisms. In Lipids in Freshwater Ecosystems, M. Arts and B. Wainman, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, pp. 203-234 (1998).
LANDRUM, P. F., and T. F. NALEPA. A review of the factors affecting the ecotoxicology of Diporeia spp. Journal of Great Lakes Research 24(4):889-904 (1998).
LEE, D. H. Institutional and technical barriers to implementing risk-based water resources management: A case study. ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management July/August:186-193 (1999).
LEE, D. H., F. H. QUINN, and A. H. CLITES. Effect of the Niagara River Chippawa Grass Island Pool on water levels of Lakes Erie, St. Clair, and Michigan-Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 24(4):936-948 (1998).
LESHKEVICH, G. A., S. V. Nghiem, and R. Kwok. Great Lakes ice cover classification and mapping using satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, San Diego, CA, October 5-7, 1999. ERIM, II-402 to II-405 (1999).
LIU, P. C. Wind Waves on Large Lakes. In Potential Climate Change Effects on Great Lakes Hydrodynamics and Water Quality, D.C.L. Lam and W.M. Schertzer, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, pp. 5.1-5.18 (1999).
LOFGREN, B. M., and Y. ZHU. Seasonal climatology of surface energy fluxes on the Great Lakes. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-112, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (NTIS# PB99-144958/XAB) 21 pp. (1999).
Lohrenz, S. E., G. L. FAHNENSTIEL, D. G. Redalje, G. A. LANG, M. J. Dagg, T. E. Whitledge, and Q. Dortch. Nutrients, irradiance, and mixing factors regulating primary production in coastal waters impacted by the Mississippi River plume. Continental Shelf Research 19:1113-1141 (1999).
LOU, J., D. J. SCHWAB, and D. BELETSKY. Suspended sediment transport modeling in Lake Michigan. Canadian Coastal Conference 1999, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May 19-22, 1999. pp. 391-405 (1999).
Ma, X., K. A. Bruner, S. W. Fisher, and P. F. LANDRUM. Absorption of hydrophobic contaminants from ingested Chlamydomonas rheinhardtii and Chlorella vulgaris by zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25(2):305-317 (1999).
Manley, P. L., T. O. Manley, J. H. SAYLOR, and K. L. Hunkins. Sediment deposition and resuspension in Lake Champlain. In Lake Champlain in Transition: From Research Toward Restoration, Water Science and Application, Volume 1, T.O. Manley and P.L. Manley (eds.), Americal Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, pp. 157-181 (1999).
Manley, T. O., K. L. Hunkins, J. H. SAYLOR, G. S. MILLER, and P. L. Manley. Aspects of summertime and wintertime hydrodynamics of Lake Champlain. In Lake Champlain in Transition: From Research Toward Restoration, Water Science and Application, Volume 1, T.O. Manley and P.L. Manley (eds.), American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, pp. 67-115 (1999).
Mason, D.M., and S.B. BRANDT. Space, time, and scale: new perspectives in fish ecology and management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:1-3 (1999).
McCORMICK, M. J., and G. L. FAHNENSTIEL. Recent climatic trends in nearshore water temperatures in the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 44(3):530-540 (1999).
MCCORMICK, M. J., and D. C. L. Lam. Lake Thermodynamics. In Potential Climate Change Effects on Great Lakes Hydrodynamics and Water Quality, D.C.L. Lam and W.M. Schertzer, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, pp. 3.1-3.20 (1999).
MILLER, G. S., J. H. SAYLOR, and M. J. McCORMICK. Detecting storm-generated suspended materials in Lake Michigan using ADCP echo intensities. Proceedings, IEEE Sixth Working Conference on Current Measurement, March 11-13, 1999. pp. 264-268 (1999).
NALEPA, T. F., D. J. HARTSON, D. L. FANSLOW, G. A. LANG, and S. J. Lozano. Declines in benthic macroinvertebrate populations in southern Lake Michigan, 1980-1993. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55(11):2402-2413 (1998).
NGHIEM, S. V., G. A. LESHKEVICH, and R. Kwok. Shipborne scatterometer measurements of Great Lakes ice. Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, San Diego, CA, October 5-7, 1998. II-406 to II-409 (1999).
O'CONNOR, W. P., D. J. SCHWAB, and G. A. LANG. Forecast verification for Eta Model winds using Lake Erie storm surge water levels. Weather and Forecasting February 1999:119-133 (1999).
Omair, M., H.A. VANDERPLOEG, D.J. Jude, and G.L. FAHNENSTIEL. First observations of tumor-like abnormalities (exophytic lesions) on Lake Michigan zooplankton. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 56:1711-1715 (1999).
QUINN, F. H. Anthropogenic changes to Great Lakes water levels. US Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, Great Lakes Update 136:1-4 (1999).
QUINN, F. H. The potential impacts of climate change on Great Lakes water resources, a review. Specialty Conference on Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change to Water Resources on the United States, D. Briane Adams (ed.), Atlanta, GA, May 10-12 1999. American Water Resources Association, pp. 311-315 (1999).
ROBBINS, J. A., K. R. Reddy, C. W. Holmes, N. R. MOREHEAD, M. Marot, and R. W. ROOD. Sediment core dating with 137Cs. Final Report to the South Florida Water Management District, Contract Number: C-5324. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 97 pp. (1999).
RODIONOV, S., and R. A. ASSEL. Laurentian Great Lakes ice cover and atmospheric teleconnection patterns: A decision-tree analysis. Proceedings, Eighth Conference on Climate Variations, Denver, CO, September 13-17, 1999. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. pp. 38-43 (1999).
Rudstam, L., J. K. HORNE, and G. Gleischer. Translation of acoustic data to fish abundance (and standardization of acoustic methods for the Great Lakes region). Report from the Great Lakes Acoustic Workshop III, Cornell Biological Field Station, February 11-12, 1999. 12 pp. (1999).
Sae-Ma, B., P. G. Meier, and P. F. LANDRUM. Effect of extended storage time on the toxicity of sediment-associated cadmium on midge larvae (Chironomus tentans). Ecotoxicology 7:133-139 (1998).
SAYLOR, J. H., G. S. MILLER, K. Hunkins, T. O. Manley, and P. L. Manley. Gravity currents and internal bores in Lake Champlain. In Lake Champlain in Transition: From Research Toward Restoration, Water Science and Application, Volume 1, T.O. Manley and P.L. Manley (eds.), American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, pp. 135-155 (1999).
Schertzer, W. M., and T. E. CROLEY. Climate and Lake Responses. In Potential Climate Change Effects on Great Lakes Hydrodynamics and Water Quality, D.C.L. Lam and W.M. Schertzer, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, pp. 2.1-2.74 (1999).
SCHWAB, D. J., and D. BELETSKY. Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study: Hydrodynamic modeling project. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-108, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (NTIS# not yet available) 53 pp. (1998).
SCHWAB, D. J., and D. BELETSKY. Propagation of kelvin waves along irregular coastlines in finite-difference models. Advances in Water Resources 22(3):239-245 (1998).
SELLINGER, C. E. La Nina and the Great Lakes Region. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (1998).
SELLINGER, C. E., and F. H. QUINN. Proceedings of the Great Lakes Paleo-Levels Workshop: The Last 4000 Years. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-113. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (NTIS# PB99-166308/XAB) 43 pp. (1999).
Tenzer, G. E., P. A. Meyers, J. A. ROBBINS, B. J. EADIE, N. R. MOREHEAD, and M. B. LANSING. Sedimentary organic matter record of recent environmental changes in the St. Marys River ecosystem, Michigan-Ontario border. Organic Geochemistry 30:133-146 (1999).
TYLER, J. A. GRP Map Maker: A User's Guide to Spatial Models of Fish Habitat Combining Acoustic Data and Bioenergetics Models. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-110, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (NTIS# PB99-114837/XAB) 51 pp. (1998).
ZHU, Y., and B. M. LOFGREN. Spatially distributed water surface temperature modeling for the Great Lakes. Proceedings, 14th Conference on Hydrology, Dallas, TX, January 10-15, 1999. American Meteorological Society, pp. 431-434 (1999).
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