Allen, R. G., W. O. Pruitt, J. A. Businger, L. J. Jensen, and F. H. QUINN. Chapter 4: Evaporation and transpiration. In Hydrology Handbook, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, pp. 125-252 (1996).
ASSEL, R. A., J. E. Janowiak, D. Boyce, C. O'Connors, F. H. QUINN, and
D. C. NORTON. Laurentian Great Lakes ice and weather conditions for the
1998 El Nino winter. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81(4):703-717 (2000).
BEETON, A. M., C. E. SELLINGER, and D. F. REID. An introduction to the Laurentian Great Lakes ecosystem. In Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective, W.W. Taylor and C.P. Ferreri (Eds.), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, pp. 3-54 (1999).
BRIDGEMAN, T. B., G. Messick, and H. A. VANDERPLOEG. Sudden appearance
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CROLEY, T. E. II. Adjusting storm frequencies for climate forecasts. Proceedings, American Water Resources Annual Spring Specialty Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 3, 2000. pp. 269-274 (2000).
CROLEY, T. E. II. Climate-corrected storm-frequency examples. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-118, NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (NTIS# not yet available) 27 pp. (2000).
CROLEY, T. E. II. Using Meteorology Probability Forecasts in Operational Hydrology. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 206 pp. (2000). This book is not available at this office, but can be purchased by contacting: 1-800-548-ASCE,,, member price $33.75
DEMERS, E., S. B. BRANDT, K. L. BARRY, and J. M. JECH. Spatially-explicit models of growth rate potential: linking estuarine fish production to the biological and physical environment. In Estuarine Synthesis: A Synthetic Approach to Research and Practice, J.E. Hobbie (Ed.), Island Press, Washington, DC, pp. 405-425 (2000).
EADIE, B. J., G. S. MILLER, M. B. LANSING, and A. G. WINKELMAN. Settling particle fluxes and current and temperature profiles in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-116, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, NTIS# PB2000-103355/XAB, 25 pp. (2000).
HAWLEY, N., and C.-H. Lee. Sediment resuspension and transport in Lake Michigan during the unstratified period. Sedimentology 46:791-805 (1999).
HORNE, J. K., P. E. Smith, and D. C. Schneider. Comparative examination of scale-explicit biological and physical processes: recruitment of Pacific hake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56(1):170-179 (1999).
Gardner, W. S., P. J. Lavrentyev, H. A. Bootsma, J. F. CAVALETTO, F. Troncone, and J. B. Cotner. Effects of natural light on nitrogen dynamics in diverse aquatic environments. Verh. International Verein. Limnology 27:64-73 (2000).
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Great Lakes Water Levels. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2000).
Houde, E. D., S. Jukic-Peladic, and S. B. BRANDT. Fisheries: Trends in Catches, Abundance and Management. In Ecosystems at the Land-Sea Margin, T. Malone et al. (Eds.), 341-366 (1999).
JECH, J. M., and J. Luo. Digital Echo Visualization and Information System (DEVIS) for processing spatially-explicit fisheries acoustic data. Journal of Fisheries Research 27:115-124 (2000).
JOHENGEN, T. H., T. F. NALEPA, G. A. LANG, D. L. FANSLOW, H. A. VANDERPLOEG, and M. A. AGY. Physical and chemical variables of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron in 1994-1996. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-115, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, NTIS# PB2000-102421/XAB, 39 pp. (2000).
LANDRUM, P. F., S. W. Fisher, H. Hwang, and J. Hickey. Hazard Evaluation of Ten Organophosporous Insecticides against the Midge, Chironomus riparius via QSAR. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 10:423-450 (1999).
LANDRUM, P. F., J. Kukkonen, M. J. Lydy, and H. Lee. Measuring absorption efficiencies: Some additional considerations. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18(11):2403-2405 (1999).
LAVRENTYEV, P. J., W. S. GARDNER, and L. Yang. Effects of the zebra mussel on nitrogen dynamics and the microbial community at the sediment-water interface. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 21:187-194 (2000).
LEE, D. H., and L. M. Abriola. Use of the Richards equation in land surface parameterizations. Journal of Geophysical Research 104(D22):27,519-27,526 (1999).
LESHKEVICH, G. A. and others. Remote Sensing at NOAA's National Ocean Service: A Report from the National Ocean Service Remote Sensing Cross-Cut Team. National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, MD, 126 pp. (1998).
LESHKEVICH, G. A., and S. Liu. Internet access to Great Lakes CoastWatch remote sensing information. Proceedings, IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, HI, July 24-28, 2000. IEEE (2000).
LESHKEVICH, G. A., S. V. Nghiem, and R. Kwok. Monitoring Great Lakes ice cover with satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Proceedings, IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, HI, July 24-28, 2000. IEEE (2000).
LESHKEVICH, G. A., D. J. SCHWAB, G. C. MUHR, and S. LIU. World Wide Web access to Great Lakes CoastWatch environmental data. Proceedings, AWRA Symposium on Water Resources and the World Wide Web, Seattle, WA, December 5-9, 1999. American Water Resources Association, 10 pp. (2000).
LIU, P. C. Wave grouping characteristics in nearshore Great Lakes. Ocean Engineering 27:1221-1230 (2000).
LIU, P. C. Wavelet transform and new perspective on coastal and ocean engineering data analysis. In Advanced in Coastal and Ocean Engineering, P.L-F. Liu (Ed.), World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 57-101 (2000).
LIU, P. C. A fifteen minute introduction of wavelet transform and application. Proceedings, 1999 International Water Resources Engineering Conference, Seattle, WA, August 7-12, 1999. American Society of Civil Engineers, 7 pp. (1999).
LIU, P. C. Is the wind wave frequency spectrum outdated? Ocean Engineering 27:577-588 (1999).
LIU, P. C., and N. Mori. A wavelet transform analysis of freak waves in the ocean. Proceedings, 1999 International Water Resources Engineering Conference, Seattle, WA, August 7-12, 1999. American Society of Civil Engineers, 7 pp. (1999).
LOFGREN, B. M. Cloud and vertical resolution issues in the Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM). Proceedings, 14th Conference on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Dallax, TX, January 10-15, 1999. American Meteorological Society, pp. 380-383 (1999).
LOFGREN, B. M. Precipitation, soil, and evaporation validation of the coupled hydrosphere-atmosphere research model. Preprints, 15th Conference on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, January 9-14, 2000. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. 275-278 (2000).
Lotufo, G. R., P. F. LANDRUM, M. L. GEDEON, E. A. TIGUE, and L. R. HERCHE. Comparative toxicity and toxicokinetics of DDT and its major metabolites in freshwater amphipods. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(2):368-379 (2000).
LOU, J., D. J. SCHWAB, D. BELETSKY, and N. HAWLEY. A model of sediment resuspension and transport dynamics in southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Geophysical Research 105(C3):6591-6610 (2000).
Lydy, M. J., J. L. Lasater, and P. F. LANDRUM. Toxicokinetics of DDE and 2-chlorobiphenyl in Chironomus tentans. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 38:163-168 (2000).
Magnuson, J. J., D. M. Robertson, B. J. Benson, R. H. Wynne, D. M. Livingstone, T. Arai, R. A. ASSEL, R. G. Barry, V. Card, E. Kuusisto, N. G. Granin, T. D. Prowse, K. M. Stewart, and V. S. Vuglinski. Historical trends in lake and river ice cover in the Northern Hemisphere. Science 289:1743-1746 (2000).
Mortsch, L., H. Hengeveld, M. Lister, B. M. LOFGREN, F. H. QUINN, M. Slivitzky, and L. Wenger. Climate change impacts on the hydrology of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence System. Canadian Water Resources Journal 25(2):153-179 (2000).
NALEPA, T. F. Changes in mussel populations in the Great Lakes: Native mussels eliminated from Lake St. Clair. Color Brochure, NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2000).
NALEPA, T. F., G. L. FAHNENSTIEL, and T. H. JOHENGEN. Impacts of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on water quality: A case study in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. In Non-Indigenous Freshwater Organisms in North America: Their Biology and Impact, R. Claudi and J.H. Leach (Eds.), CRC Press, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 255-271 (1999).
NALEPA, T. F., D. J. HARTSON, J. Buchanan, J. F. CAVALETTO, G. A. LANG, and S. J. Lozano. Spatial variation in density, mean size, and physiological condition of the holoarctic amphipod Diporeia spp. in Lake Michigan. Freshwater Biology 43:107-119 (2000).
NORTON, D. C., R. A. ASSEL, D. MEYERS, B. A. HIBNER, N. MORSE, P. J. TIMBLE, K. CRONK, and M. RUBENS. Great Lakes ice data rescue project. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-117. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 63 pp. (2000)
Ostrom, P. H., N. E. Ostrom, J. Henry, B. J. EADIE, P. A. Meyers, and J. A. ROBBINS. Changes in the trophic state of Lake Erie: discordance between molecular and bulk d13C sedimentary records. Chemical Geology 152:163-179 (1998).
Pakulski, J. D., R. Benner, T. Whitledge, R. Amon, B. J. EADIE, L. Cifuentes, J. Ammerman, and D. Stockwell. Microbial metabolism and nutrient cycling in the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River plumes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 50:173-184 (2000).
POTHOVEN, S. A., B. Vondracek, and D. L. Pereira. Effectgs of vegetation removal on Bluegill and Largemough Bass in two Minnesota lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:748-757 (1999).
POTHOVEN, S. A., T. F. NALEPA, and S. B. BRANDT. Age-0 and age-1 yellow perch diet in southeastern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 26(2):235-239 (2000).
QUINN, F. H. Low water: should we get used to it? In Great Lakes SeaWay Review, Volume 29, Number 1, Harbor House, Great Lakes Seaway Review, Boyne City, MI, pp. 33-35 (2000).
QUINN, F. H., and T. E. CROLEY II. Potential climate change impacts on Lake Erie. In State of Lake Erie (SOLE) Past, Present and Future, M. Munawar, T. Edsall and I. F. Munawar Eds., Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 23-30 (1999).
QUINN, F. H., and B. M. LOFGREN. The influence of potential greenhouse warming on Great Lakes hydrology, water levels, and water management. Preprints, 15th Conference on Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, January 9-14, 2000. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. pp. 271-274 (2000).
REID, D. F., and G. A. Meadows. Proceedings of the Workshop The Environmental Implications of Cargo Sweeping in the Great Lakes. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-114. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 66 pp. (1999).
Richardson-Heft, C. A., A. A. Heft, L. Fewlass, and S. B. BRANDT. Movement of Largemouth Bass in Northern Chesapeake Bay: Relevance to sportfishing tournaments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:493-501 (2000).
RUBERG, S. A., and B. J. EADIE. Remotely deployable water sampler. Proceedings, Oceans 2000 Marine Technology Society/IEEE Conference, Providence, RI, September 12, 2000. Marine Technology Society, Washington, DC, pp. 113-117 (2000).
SCHWAB, D. J., and K. W. Bedford. The Great Lakes Forecasting System. In Coastal Ocean Prediction, Coastal and Estuarine Studies 56, C.N.K. Mooers (Ed.), American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, pp. 157-173 (1999).
SCHWAB, D. J., D. BELETSKY, and J. LOU. The 1998 Coastal turbidity plume in Lake Michigan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 50:49-58 (2000).
SCHWAB, D. J., G. A. LANG, K. W. Bedford, and Y. F. P. Chu. Recent developments in the Great Lakes Forecasting System (GLFS). Preprints, Third Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, New Orleans, LA, November 3-5, 1999. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. 201-206 (1999).
SCHWAB, D. J., G. A. LESHKEVICH, and G. C. MUHR. Automated Mapping of Surface Water Temperature in the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25(3):468-481 (1999).
Simenstad, C. A., S. B. BRANDT, A. Chalmers, R. Dame, L. A. Deegan, R. Hodson, and E. D. Houde. Habitat-biotic interactions. In Estuarine Science: A Synthetic Approach to Research and Practice, J.E. Hobbie (ed.), Island Press, Washington, DC, pp. 427-455 (2000).
Virden, W., J. Warren, T. Holcombe, D. REID, and T. Berggren. Bathymetry of Lake Ontario. A color poster with descriptive text. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO, (Data Announcement 2000-MGG-01) (1999). This poster can be ordered from NGDC at the following address: A sample product can be viewed at:
Walline, P. D., J. A. TYLER, S. B. BRANDT, I. Ostrovsky, and J. M. JECH. Lavnun abundance: how changes may affect consumption of Lake Kinneret zooplankton. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advances in Limnology 55:493-511 (2000).
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