ASSEL, R.A. Lake Erie regional ice cover analysis: Preliminary results. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-48, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB84-138734) 33 pp. (1983).
ASSEL, R.A. Sub-committee report: Summary of the discussion on ice information and forecasting. Proceedings, Great Lakes Ice Research Workshop, R.A. Assel and J.G. Lyon (eds.), Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 18-19, 1983. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 65-71 (1984).
ASSEL, R.A., and J.G. Lyon. Proceedings, Great Lakes Ice Research Workshop, R.A. Assel and J.G. Lyon (eds.), Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 18-19, 1983. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 76 (1984).
ASSEL, R.A., F.H. QUINN, G.A. LESHKEVICH, and S.J. BOLSENGA. NOAA Great Lakes Ice Atlas. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 115 pp. (1983).
AUBERT, E.J. Capabilities of various research organizations to provide information on Great Lakes water quality. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-52, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB85-106623/XAB) 23 pp. (1984).
AUBERT, E.J. Advisory mechanisms supporting the mission of the IJC. In Review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement--Working papers and Discussion, The Water Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 68-86 (1984).
BOLSENGA, S.J. Spectral reflectances of snow and freshwater ice from 340 through 1100 nm. Journal of Glaciology 29(102):296-305 (1983).
**CHAPRA, S.C., and K.H. Reckhow. Engineering Approaches for Lake Management, Vol. 2: Mechanistic Modeling. Butterworth Publishers, Boston, MA, 419 pp. (1983).
CHAPRA, S.C., D. SCAVIA, G.A. LANG, and K.H. Reckhow. Nutrient food chain models. In Engineering Approaches for Lake Management, Vol. 2: Mechanistic Modeling, S.C. Chapra and K.H. Reckhow (eds.). Butterworth Publishers, Boston, MA, 243-351 (1983).
CROLEY, T.E.II. Lake Ontario Basin (U.S.A.-Canada) runoff modeling. Journal of Hydrology 66:101-121 (1983).
CROLEY, T.E., II, and G.R. Foster. Unsteady sedimentation in nonuniform rills. Journal of Hydrology 70:101-122 (1984).
CROLEY, T.E., II, and H.C. HARTMANN. Lake Superior Basin runoff modeling. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-50, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB84-230028) 295 pp. (1984).
DERECKI, J.A. Detroit River physical and hydraulic characteristics. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (1984).
DERECKI, J.A. St. Clair River physical and hydraulic characteristics. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI 10 pp. (1984).
DERECKI, J.A. St. Marys River physical and hydraulic characteristics. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (1984).
EADIE, B.J. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Great Lakes, Chapter 9. In Toxic Contaminants in the Great Lakes, Vol. 14, J.O. Nriagu and M.S. Simmons (eds.). John Wiley and Sons, New York, 195-211 (1984).
EADIE, B.J., R.L. CHAMBERS, W.S. GARDNER, and G.L. BELL. Sediment trap studies in Lake Michigan: Resuspension and chemical fluxes in the southern basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research 10(3):307-321 (1984).
FAHNENSTIEL, G.L., D. SCAVIA, and C.L. Schelske. Nutrient-light interactions in the Lake Michigan subsurface chlorophyll layer. Verhandlugen-Internationale Vereinigung Fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 22:440-444 (1984). >
FAHNENSTIEL, G.L., C.L. Schelske, and R.A. Moll. In situ quantum efficiency of Lake Superior phytoplankton. Journal of Great Lakes Research 10(4):399-406 (1984).
FREZ, W.A., and P.F. LANDRUM. Species-dependent uptake of PAH in Great Lakes invertebrates. In Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Ninth International Symposium on Chemistry, Characterization, and Carconogenesis, M.W. Cooke and A.J. Dennis (eds.). Batelle Press, Columbus, OH, 291-304 (1984).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Annual Report for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, FY 1983. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 45 pp. (1983).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Publications by the staff of the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (1983).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Detailed technical plan for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 45 pp. (1984).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Technical plan for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 73 pp. (1984).
GREENE, G.M. Freeze-up, breakup, and date of maximum ice thickness for the St. Lawrence River--1971-81. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-27, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB85-119451/XAB) 19 pp. (1984).
Hutter, K., G. Salvade, and D.J. SCHWAB. On internal wave dynamics in the northern basin of the Lake of Lugano. Geophysical Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 27:299-336 (1983).
Kadlec, R.H., and J.A. ROBBINS. Sedimentation and sediment accretion in Michigan coastal wetlands (U.S.A.). Chemical Geology 44:119-150 (1984).
Krezoski, J.R., J.A. ROBBINS, and D.S. White. Dual radiotracer measurement of zoobenthos-mediated solute and particle transport in freshwater sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research 89(B9):7937-7947 (1984).
LANDRUM, P.F., S.M. Bartell, J.P. Giesy, G.J. Leversee, J.W. Bowling, J. Haddock, K. LaGory, S. Gerould, and M. Bruno. Fate of anthracene in an artificial stream: A case study. Ecotoxicology Environmental Safety 8:183-201 (1984).
LANDRUM, P.F., S.R. Nihart, B.J. EADIE, and W.S. GARDNER. Reverse-phase separation method for determining pollutant binding to Aldrich humic acid and dissolved organic carbon of natural waters. Environmental Science and Technology 18:187-192 (1984).
LANG, G.A. Update of U.S. Great Lakes tributary loadings, 1979-80. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-54, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB85-171528/XAB) 41 pp. (1984).
Lehman, J.T., and D. SCAVIA. Measuring the ecological significance of microscale nutrient patches. Limnology and Oceanography 29(1):214-216 (1984).
LESHKEVICH, G.A., and N.J. Reid. Airborne measurements of freshwater ice albedos. Proceedings, Eighteenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 3, Paris, France, October 1-5, 1984. 1677-1687 (1984).
Leversee, G.J., P.F. LANDRUM, J.P. Giesy, and T. Fannin. Humic acids reduce bioaccumulation of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40(2):63-69 (1983).
LIU, P.C. An iteration problem. SIAM Rev. 26:279 (1984).
LIU, P.C. A representation for the frequency spectrum of wind-generated waves. Ocean Engineering 10(6):429-441 (1983).
LIU, P.C., D.J. SCHWAB, and J.R. BENNETT. Comparison of a two-dimensional wave prediction model with synoptic measurements in Lake Michigan. Journal of Physical Oceanography 14(9):1514-1518 (1984).
McCall, P.L., J.A. ROBBINS, and G. Matisoff. 137Cs and 210Pb transport and geochronologies in urbanized reservoirs with rapidly increasing sedimentation rates. Chemical Geology 44:33-65 (1984).
McCORMICK, M.J., and S.J. TARAPCHAK. Uncertainty analysis of calculated nutrient regeneration rates in Lake Michigan. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 41(1):206-211 (1984).
Meyers, P.A., M.J. Leenheer, B.J. EADIE, and S.J. Maule. Organic geochemistry of suspended and settling particulate matter in Lake Michigan. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 48:443-452 (1984).
Milliken, W.G. Reflections on research. Journal of Great Lakes Research 10(1):2 (1984).
NALEPA, T.F., and M.A. QUIGLEY. Abundance and biomass of the meiobenthos in nearshore Lake Michigan with comparisons to the macrobenthos. Journal of Great Lakes Research 9(4):530-547 (1983).
NORTON, D.C. A comparison of precipitation averages as estimators of overbasin precipitation. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (1984).
Oris, J.T., J.P. Giesy, P.M. Allred, D.F. Grant, and P.F. LANDRUM. Photoinduced toxicity of anthracene in aquatic organisms: An environmental perspective. In The Biosphere: Problems and Solutions, T.N. Veziroglu (ed.). Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 639-658 (1984).
Paffenhofer, G.A., and W.S. GARDNER. Ammonium release by juveniles and adult females of the subtropical marine copepod Eucalanus pileatus. Journal of Plankton Research 6(3):505-513 (1984).
QUIGLEY, M.A. Freshwater macroinvertebrates. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 56:774-780 (1984).
QUIGLEY, M.A., and J.A. ROBBINS. Silica regeneration processes in nearshore southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 10:383-392 (1984).
QUINN, F.H., and T.E. CROLEY. Climatic basin water balance models for Great Lakes forecasting and simulation. Proceedings, Fifth Conference on Hydrometeorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 218-223 (1983).
ROBERTSON, A., and D. SCAVIA. North American Great Lakes. In Lakes and Reservoirs, F.B. Taub (ed.). Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 135-176 (1984).
SAYLOR, J.H., and G.S. MILLER. Investigation of the currents and density structure of Lake Erie. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-49, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB84-140334) 92 pp. (1983).
*SAYLOR, J.H., and G.S. MILLER. Studies of lake-scale currents and temperature distributions. In Technical Assessment Team Report on the 1978-79 Lake Erie Intensive Study, D.E. Rathke et al. (eds.). Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 27 (1984).
SCAVIA, D., G.L. FAHNENSTIEL, J.A. Davis, and R.G. Kreis Jr. Small-scale nutrient patchiness: Some consequences and a new encounter mechanism. Limnology and Oceanography 29(4):785-793 (1984).
Schelske, C.L., B.J. EADIE, and G.L. Krausse. Measured and predicted fluxes of biogenic silica in Lake Michigan. Limnology and Oceanography 29:99-110 (1984).
SCHWAB, D.J. Numerical simulation of low-frequency current fluctuations in Lake Michigan. Journal of Physical Oceanography 13(12):2213-2224 (1983).
SCHWAB, D.J., J.R. BENNETT, P.C. LIU, and M.A. Donelan. Application of a simple numerical wave prediction model to Lake Erie. Journal of Geophysical Research 89:3586-3592 (1984).
SCHWAB, D.J., J.R. BENNETT, and E.W. LYNN. Pathfinder--A trajectory prediction system for the Great Lakes. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-53, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB85-115335/XAB) 37 pp. (1983).
SCHWAB, D.J., J.R. BENNETT, and E.W. LYNN. A two-dimensional lake wave prediction system. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-51, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB84-231034) 77 pp. (1984).
SCHWAB, D.J., G.A. Meadows, J.R. BENNETT, H. Schultz, P.C. LIU, J.E. CAMPBELL, and H.H. Dannelongue. The response of the coastal boundary layer to wind and waves: Analysis of an experiment in Lake Erie. Journal of Geophysical Research 89:8043-8053 (1984).
SCHWAB, D.J., and J.A. MORTON. Estimation of overlake wind speed from overland wind speed: A comparison of three methods. Journal of Great Lakes Research 10:68-72 (1984).
SCHWAB, D.J., and D.B. RAO. Barotropic oscillations of the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. Tellus 35A:417-427 (1983).
SONZOGNI, W.C., A. ROBERTSON, and A.M. Beeton. Great Lakes management: Ecological factors. Environmental Management 7(6):531-541 (1983).
SONZOGNI, W.C., and W.R. Swain. Perspectives on human health concerns from Great Lakes contaminants. In Toxic Contaminants in the Great Lakes, J. O. Nriagu and M.S. Simmons (eds.). John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 1-29 (1984).
STUBBLEFIELD, B., and J.R. BENNETT. Preliminary report on GLERL's ice dynamics simulation model. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI 52 pp. (1984).
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