ASSEL, R.A. A computerized ice concentration data base for the Great Lakes. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-24, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-233031) 28 pp. (1983).
ASSEL, R.A. Description and analysis of a 20-year (1960-79) digital ice-concentration database for the Great Lakes of North America. Annals of Glaciology 4:14-18 (1983).
ASSEL, R.A. Lake Superior bathythermograph data: 1973-79. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-25, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (PB83-252890) 24 pp. (1983).
BELL, G.L., and B.J. EADIE. Variations in the distribution of suspended particles during an upwelling event in Lake Michigan in 1980. Journal of Great Lakes Research 9(4):559-567 (1983).
BENNETT, J.R., A.H. CLITES, and D.J. SCHWAB. A two-dimensional lake circulation modeling system: Programs to compute particle trajectories and the motions of dissolved substances. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-46, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-257014) 58 pp. (1983).
Bowling, J.W., G.J. Leversee, P.F. LANDRUM, and J.P. Giesy. Acute mortality of anthracene-contaminated fish exposed to sunlight. Aquatic Toxicology 3:79-90 (1983).
CROLEY, T.E.II. A tank-cascade runoff model for large forested basins. Proceedings, Canadian Hydrology Symposium '82: Hydrological Processes of Forested Areas, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 14-15, 1982. Associate Committee on Hydrology, National Research Council Canada, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 419-44 (1982).
CROLEY, T.E.II. Great Lakes basins (U.S.A.-Canada) runoff modeling. Journal of Hydrology 64:135-158 (1983).
CROLEY, T.E.II. Lake Superior Basin runoff modeling. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (1983).
CROLEY, T.E.II. Sediment dynamics in unsteady nonprismatic rills. Proceedings, Conference on Frontiers in Hydraulic Engineering, H.T. Shen (ed.), Massachusets Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, August 9-12, 1983. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 127-132 (1983).
CROLEY, T.E., II, and H.C. HARTMANN. Lake Ontario Basin runoff modeling. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-43, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-237420) 117 pp. (1983).
DERECKI, J.A. Travel times in the Great Lakes connecting channels. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (1983).
EADIE, B.J., W.R. FAUST, P.F. LANDRUM, and N.R. MOREHEAD. Factors affecting bioconcentration of PAH by the dominant benthic organisms of the Great Lakes. Proceedings, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Eighth International Symposium on Mechanisms, Methods, and Metabolism, M.W. Cooke and A.J. Dennis (eds.), Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 799-812 (1983).
EADIE, B.J., W.R. FAUST, P.F. LANDRUM, N.R. MOREHEAD, W.S. GARDNER, and T.F. NALEPA. Bioconcentrations of PAH by some benthic organisms. Proceedings, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Seventh International Symposium on Formation, Metabolism, and Measurement, M.W. Cooke and A.J. Dennis (eds.), Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 437-449 (1982).
EADIE, B.J., P.F. LANDRUM, and W.R. FAUST. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments, pore water, and the amphipod Pontoporeia hoyi from Lake Michigan. Chemosphere 11:847-858 (1982).
EADIE, B.J., C.P. Rice, and W.A. FREZ. The role of the benthic boundary layer in the cycling of PCB's in the Great Lakes. In Physical behavior of PCB's in the Great Lakes, D. MacKay (ed.). Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI, 213-229 (1982).
EADIE, B.J., J.A. ROBBINS, P.F. LANDRUM, C.P. Rice, M.S. Simmons, M.J. McCORMICK, S.J. Eisenreich, G.L. BELL, R.L. PICKETT, K. Johansen, K. Rossman, N. HAWLEY, and T. Voice. The cycling of toxic organics in the Great Lakes: A 3-year status report. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-45, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-256792) 176 pp. (1983).
Edgington, D.N., and J.A. ROBBINS. Patterns of deposition of natural and fallout radionuclides in the sediments of Lake Michigan and their relation to limnological processes. In Environmental Biochemistry, J.O. Nriagu (ed.). Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI, 705-729 (1983).
GARDNER, W.S., and P.F. LANDRUM. Characterization of ambient levels of ultraviolet-absorbing dissolved humic materials in natural waters by aqueous liquid chromatography. In Aquatic and Terrestrial Humic Materials, R.F. Christman and E.T. Gjessing (eds.). Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI, 203-217 (1983).
GARDNER, W.S., and J.M. MALCZYK. Discrete injection segmented flow analysis of nutrients in small-volume water samples. Analytical Chemistry 55:1645-1647 (1983).
GARDNER, W.S., T.F. NALEPA, D.R. SLAVENS, and G.A. LAIRD. Patterns and rates of nitrogen release by benthic Chironomidae and Oligochaeta. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40(3):259-266 (1983).
GARDNER, W.S., and H.A. VANDERPLOEG. Microsample-filtering device for liquid chromatography or flow injection analysis. Analytical Chemistry 54:2129-2130 (1982).
Gerould, S., P.F. LANDRUM, and J.P. Giesy. Anthracene bioconcentration and biotransformation in chironomids: Effects of temperature and concentration. Environmental Pollution (Series A) 30:175-188 (1983).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Annual Report for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, FY 1982. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 45 pp. (1982).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Detailed technical plan for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 252 pp. (1983).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Technical plan for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 68 pp. (1983).
*GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY, The University of Michigan, and The University of Minnesota. Fourth semiannual progress report to the Office of Marine Pollution Assessment, NOAA. In The Cycling of Toxic Organic Substances in the Great Lakes Ecosystem, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 61 pp. (1983).
*GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY, The University of Michigan, The University of Minnesota, Michigan State University, Argonne National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Annual Report to the Ocean Assessment Division/National Ocean Service, NOAA. In The Cycling of Toxic Organic Substances in the Great Lakes Ecosystem, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (1983).
*GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY, The University of Michigan, The University of Minnesota, Michigan State University, Argonne National Laboratory, and Oak ridge National Laboratory. Semiannual Report to the Office of Marine Pollution Assessment, NOAA. In The Cycling of Toxic Organic Substances in the Great Lakes Ecosystem, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, (1983).
GREENE, G.M. Forecasting ice-cover freeze-up, growth, and breakup on the St. Marys River. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-47, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (PB83-262097) 82 pp. (1983).
GREENE, G.M., and F. Nelson. Performance of a frost hollow as a hemispherical thermal radiometer. Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics, and Bioclimatology, Series B 32:263-278 (1983).
GUERRA, B.E., and W.C. Sonzogni. Wind erosion as a source of water pollution--A brief update. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (1983).
Haddock, J.D., P.F. LANDRUM, and J.P. Giesy. Extraction efficiency of anthracene from sediments. Analytical Chemistry 55:1197-1200 (1983).
HAWLEY, N. Intertidal sedimentary structures on macrotidal beaches. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 52(3):785-796 (1983).
HAWLEY, N. Lake Michigan suspended sediment characteristics at Grand Haven, Michigan, 1979. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-23, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-222638) 3 pp. (1983).
HAWLEY, N. Reply. Sedimentology 29:906-907 (1982).
HAWLEY, N. A numerical model of cohesive suspended sediment dynamics. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-42, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-207860) 41 pp. (1983).
HAWLEY, N., R.L. CHAMBERS, and G.L. BELL. Grain-size distribution in Lake Michigan, 1977-81. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-21, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-194399) 9 pp. (1983).
Henderson-Sellers, B., M.J. MCCORMICK, and D. SCAVIA. A comparison of the formulation for eddy diffusion in two one-dimensional stratification models. Applied Mathematical Modelling 7:212-215 (1983).
HINKEL, K.M. Ice-cover growth rates at nearshore locations in the Great Lakes. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-44, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-233049) 35 pp. (1983).
International Joint Commission, InternationalGreatLakes Technical Information Network Board. Great Lakes hydrometeorological station directory. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-22, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-208124) 259 pp. (1983).
LANDRUM, P.F. Uptake, depuration, and biotransformation of anthracene by the scud Pontoporeia hoyi. Chemosphere 11(10):1049-1057 (1982).
LANDRUM, P.F. The effect of co-contaminants on the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to Pontoporeia hoyi. Proceedings, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Seventh International Symposium on Formation, Metabolism, and Measurement, M.W. Cooke and A.J. Dennis (eds.), Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 731-743 (1982).
LANDRUM, P.F., B.J. EADIE, W.R. FAUST, N.R. MOREHEAD, and M.J. McCORMICK. Role of sediment in the bioaccumulation of benzo(a)pyrene by the amphipod Pontoporeia hoyi. Proceedings, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Eighth International Symposium on Mechanisms, Methods, and Metabolism, M.W. Cooke and A.J. Dennis (eds.), Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 799-812 (1983).
LANDRUM, P.F., and D. SCAVIA. Influence of sediment on anthracene uptake, depuration, and biotransformation by the amphipod Hyalella azteca. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40(3):298-305 (1983).
LANG, G.A. The Mineral River--A unique tributary chloride load to Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research 9(4):584-587 (1983).
LIU, P.C. An iteration problem: Problem 83-9. SIAM Rev. 25:268 (1983).
McCORMICK, M.J., B.L. WHARRAM, and D. SCAVIA. Comparison of phytoplankton growth constructs in the context of vertically segmented plankton models. In Developments in Environmental Modelling, Part 5. Analysis of Ecological Systems: State-of-the-art in Ecological Modeling, W.K. Lauenroth, G. V. Skogerboe, and M. Flug (eds.). Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 663-668 (1982).
Meadows, G.A., N. Schultz, H. Dannelongue, J.R. BENNETT, J.E. CAMPBELL, P.C. LIU, and D.J. SCHWAB. The response of the coastal boundary layer to winds and waves: Analysis of an experiment in Lake Erie. Proceedings, Third Workshop on Great Lakes Coastal Erosion and Sedimentation, National Research Council Canada and Associate Committee for Research on Shoreline Erosion and Sedimentation, 51-54 (1982).
NALEPA, T.F., W.S. GARDNER, and J.M. MALCZYK. Phosphorus release by three kinds of benthic invertebrates: Effects of substrate and water medium. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40(6):810-813 (1983).
National Research Council, PanelonNiagara River Ice Boom Investigations. The Lake Erie-Niagara River Ice Boom: Operations and Impacts. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, (1983).
PICKETT, R.L. Great Lakes bottom currents. Coastal Oceanography and Climatology News 5:41-43 (1983).
PICKETT, R.L., J.E. CAMPBELL, A.H. CLITES, and R.M. Partridge. Satellite-tracked current drifters in Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 9(1):106-108 (1983).
PICKETT, R.L., R.M. Partridge, A.H. CLITES, and J.E. CAMPBELL. Great Lakes satellite-tracked current drifters. 1983 Symposium on Buoy Technology, New Orleans, LA, April 27-29, 1983. The Marine Technology Society, 138-143 (1983).
QUIGLEY, M.A. Freshwater macroinvertebrates. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 55:833-840 (1983).
QUINN, F.H., and R.N. KELLEY. Great Lakes monthly hydrologic data. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-26, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB84-114545) 79 pp. (1983).
QUINN, F.H., and D.C. NORTON. Great Lakes precipitation by months, 1900-80. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-20, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB83-175737) 24 pp. (1982).
**Reckhow, K.H., and S.C. CHAPRA. Engineering Approaches for Lake Management, Vol. 1: Data Analysis and Empirical Modeling. Butterworth Publishers, Boston, MA, 340 pp. (1983).
Rice, C.P., B.J. EADIE, and K.M. Erstfeld. Enrichment of PCBs in Lake Michigan surface films. Journal of Great Lakes Research 8(2):265-270 (1982).
ROBBINS, J.A., and B.J. EADIE. Models of contaminants in Great Lakes. Research in Ocean Engineering: University Sources and Resources 4:3 (1982).
ROBERTSON, A. Lakes--Coastal ecology. In Encylopedia of Beaches and Coastal Environments, M.L. Schwartz (ed.). Hutchinson-Ross Publishing Company, Stroudsburg, PA, 506-508 (1982).
Rumer, R.R., Jr., W.F. Bialas, F.H. QUINN, R.A. ASSEL, and D.W. GASKILL. Niagara River ice boom: Effects on environment. Journal of Technical Topics in Civil Engineering 109:105-116 (1983).
SCAVIA, D. Use and limits of ecosystem models: A Great Lakes perspective. Proceedings, Workshop on Marine Ecosystem Modeling, K.W. Turgeon (ed.), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC, 57-88 (1983).
SCAVIA, D., and W.S. GARDNER. Kinetics of nitrogen and phosphorus release in varying food supplies by Daphnia magna. Hydrobiologia 96:105-111 (1982).
SCHWAB, D.J., and K. Hutter. Barotropic and baroclinic eigenmodes of Lake of Zurich and Lake of Lugano. Versuchsanstalt fur Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie Internal Report I 64 (1982).
Spacie, A., P.F. LANDRUM, and G.J. Leversee. Uptake, depuration, and biotransformation of anthracene and benzo(a)pyrene in bluegill sunfish. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 7:330-341 (1983).
Steinhart, C.E., L.J. Schierow, and W.C. SONZOGNI. An environmental quality index for the Great Lakes. Water Resources Bulletin 18(6):1025-1031 (1982).
TARAPCHAK, S.J. Soluble reactive phosphorus measurements in lake water: Evidence of molybdate-enhanced hydrolysis. Journal of Environmental Quality 12(1):105-108 (1983).
TARAPCHAK, S.J., S.M. BIGELOW, and C. RUBITSCHUN. Soluble reactive phosphorus measurements in Lake Michigan: Filtration artifacts. Journal of Great Lakes Research 8(3):550-557 (1982).
TARAPCHAK, S.J., R.L. CHAMBERS, and S.M. BIGELOW. Soluble reactive phosphorus measurements in Lake Michigan: Causes of method-specific differences. Journal of Great Lakes Research 8(4):700-710 (1982).
TARAPCHAK, S.J., D.R. SLAVENS, M.A. QUIGLEY, and J.S. TARAPCHAK. Silicon contamination in diatom nutrient enrichment experiments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40(5):657-664 (1983).
VANDERPLOEG, H.A., and D. SCAVIA. Misconceptions about estimating prey preference. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40:248-250 (1983).
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