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BOLSENGA, S.J., H.A. VANDERPLOEG, M.A. QUIGLEY, and G.L. FAHNENSTIEL. Note: Operations for an under-ice ecology program. Journal of Great Lakes Research 14(3):372-376 (1988).
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FAHNENSTIEL, G.L., J.F. CHANDLER, H.J. CARRICK, and D. SCAVIA. Photosynthetic characteristics of phytoplankton communities in Lakes Huron and Michigan: P-I parameters and end-products. Journal of Great Lakes Research 15(3):394-407 (1989).
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GAUVIN, J.M., W.S. GARDNER, and M.A. QUIGLEY. Effects of food removal on nutrient release rates and lipid cotent of Lake Michigan Pontoporeia hoyi. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46(7):1125-1130 (1989).
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GOTTLIEB, E.S., J.H. SAYLOR, and G.S. MILLER. Currents, temperatures, and divergences observed in eastern central Lake Michigan during May-October 1984. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-72, (PB90-131194/XAB) 48 pp. (1989).
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KEILTY, T.J., D.S. White, and P.F. LANDRUM. Sublethal responses to endrin in sediment by Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (Tubificidae), and in mixed-culture with Stylordilus heringianus (Lumbriculidae). Aquatic Toxicology 13:227-250 (1988).
KEILTY, T.J., D.S. White, and P.F. LANDRUM. Sublethal responses to endrin in sediment by Stylodrilus heringianus (Lumbriculidae) as measured by a 137-cesium marker layer technique. Aquatic Toxicology 13:251-270 (1988).
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ROBBINS, J.A. The role of radiotracers in studies of aquatic contamination. Proceedings, Heavy Metals in the Environment, Vol. 1, J-P. Vernet (ed.), Geneva, Switzerland, September 14, 1989. CEP Consultants Ltd, Edinburgh, UK, 449-452 (1989).
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Schelske, C.L., J.A. ROBBINS, W.S. GARDNER, D.J. Conley, and R.A. Bourbonniere. Sediment record of biogeochemical responses to anthropogenic perturbations of nutrient cycles in Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45:1291-1301 (1988).
SCHWAB, D.J. A numerical wave prediction model for personal computers. Proceedings, 21st Coastal Engineering Conference CERC/ASCE, Costa del Sol-Malaga, Spain, June 21, 1988. 2991-2997 (1988).
SCHWAB, D.J. The use of analyzed wind fields from the Great Lakes Marine Observation Network in wave and storm surge forecast models. Preprints, 2nd International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Vancouver, BC, April 25-29, 1989. Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ontario, 257-266 (1989).
SCHWAB, D.J., A.H. CLITES, C.R. Murthy, J.E. SANDALL, L.A. Meadows, and G.A. Meadows. The effect of wind on transport and circulation in Lake St. Clair. Journal of Geophysical Research 94(C4):4947-4958 (1989).
STEHLY, G.R., and W.L. Hayton. Disposition of pentachlorophenol in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri): effect of inhibition of metabolism. Aquatic Toxicology 14:131-148 (1989).
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VANDERPLOEG, H.A., G.-A Paffenhofer, and J.R. LIEBIG. Diaptomus vs. net phytoplankton: Effects of algal size and morphology on selectivity of a behaviorally flexible, omnivorous copepod. Bulletin of Marine Science 43(3):377-394 (1988).
Williamson, C.E., and H.A. VANDERPLOEG. Predatory suspension-feeding in Diaptomus: Prey defenses and the avoidance of cannibalism. Bulletin of Marine Science 43(3):561-572 (1989).
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