Basu, N., J.A. HEAD, A.M. Scheuhammer, S.J. Bursian, K. Rouvinen-Watt, and H.M. Chan. The mink is still a reliable sentinel species in environmental health. Environmental Research 109:940-941 (2009).
BELETSKY, D., and D.J. SCHWAB. Climatological circulation in Lake Michigan. Geophysical Research Letters 35(L21604, doi:10.1029/2008GL035773):5 pp. (2008).
Biddanda, B.A., S.C. Nold, S.A. RUBERG, S.T. Kendall, T.G. Sanders, and J.J. Gray. Great Lakes sinkholes: A microbiogeochemical frontier. EOS Transactions 90(8):61-62 (2009).
Chang, P.A., W. Wilson, J. Carneal, P. Atsavapranee, S. Verosto, D.F. REID, and P.T. Jenkins. Final Report: Computational modeling of ballast water tanks to improve understanding and maximize effectiveness of management practices and treatment mechanisms. Phase II: Extension of Laboratory Study. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-148. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 78 pp. (2009).
Chatterjee, A., C. DeMARCHI, and A.M. Michalak. Estimating over-lake precipitation in the Great Lakes by combining radar and rain gages. Seventh International Symposium on Ecohydraulics and Eighth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Concepcion, Chile, January 12-16, 2009. 10 pp. (2009).
DeMARCHI, C., T.E. CROLEY II, T.S. HUNTER, and C. He. Application of a distributed watershed hydrology and water quality model in the Great Lakes basin. Seventh International Symposium on Ecohydraulics and Eighth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Concepcion, Chile, January 12-16, 2009. 10 pp. (2009).
Dettmers, J.M., C.P. Madenjian, P.J. Allen, S.A. POTHOVEN, and T.F. NALEPA. Impacts of recent invasive species on nearshore fishes. In The State of Lake Michigan in 2005. D.F. Clapp and W. Horns (Eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission Special Publication 08-02. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 19-26 (2008).
Dufour, E., T.O. HÖÖK, W.P. Patterson, and E.S. RUTHERFORD. High resolution isotope analysis of young alewife Alosa pseudoharengus otoliths: assessment of temporal resolution and reconstruction of habitat occupancy and thermal history. Journal of Fish Biology 73:2434-2451 (2008).
EADIE, B.J., J.A. ROBBINS, J. Val Klump, D.J. SCHWAB, and D.N. Edgington. Winter-spring storms and their influence on sediment resuspension, transport, and accumulation patterns in southern Lake Michigan. Oceanography 21(4):118-135 (2008).
FAHNENSTIEL, G.L., Y. Hong, D.F. Millie, M. Doblin, T.F. JOHENGEN, and D.F. REID. Marine dinoflagellate cysts in the ballast tank sediments of ships entering the Laurentian Great Lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30(7):1035-1038 (2009).
FAHNENSTIEL, G.L., M.J. McCORMICK, and R. Artz. Proceedings of NOAA Lake Champlain Program Review - October 29-30, 2008. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-146. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 50 pp. (2009).
Freeman, A.M., E.C. Lamon, and C.A. STOW. Nutrient criteria for lakes, ponds, and reservoirs: A Bayesian TREED model approach. Ecological Modelling 220:630-639 (2009).
HAWLEY, N. A digital data base for the particle size distribution of bottom sediments in Lake Michigan. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-145. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 17 pp. (2008).
He, C., and C. DeMARCHI. Modeling spatial distributions of point and nonpoint source pollution loadings in the Great Lakes watersheds. International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 2(1):24-30 (2010).
He, C., and C. DeMARCHI. Modeling the spatial distributions of point and nonpoint source pollution loadings in the Great Lakes watersheds. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology 54:795-801 (2009).
He, C., C. DeMARCHI, T.E. CROLEY II, Q. Feng, and T.S. HUNTER. Hydrologic modeling of the Heihe wateshed by DLBRM in Northwest China. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 31(3):411-421 (2009).
HEAD, J.A., and S.W. Kennedy. Correlation between an in vitro and an in invo measure of dioxin sensitivity in birds. Ecotoxicology DOI 10.1007/S10646-009-0421-3:6 pp. (2009).
HÖÖK, T.O., and S.A. POTHOVEN. Energy content of young alewives in eastern Lake Michigan and Muskegon Lake, a connected drowned river mouth lake. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29(2):378-387 (2009).
HU, H., and J. WANG. Modeling the ocean circulation in the Bering Sea. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 19(2):193-211 (2008).
Jin, M., C. Deal, and J. WANG. A coupled ice-ocean ecosystem model for 1-D and 3-D applications in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Chinese Journal of Polar Science 19(2):218-229 (2008).
Jin, M., C. Deal, J. WANG, and C.P. McRoy. Response of lower trophic level production to long-term climate change in the southeastern Bering Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research 114(C04010, doi:10.1029/2008JC005105):10 pp. (2009).
Jonas, J., R.M. Claramunt, and E.S. RUTHERFORD. Salmonine reproduction and recruitment. In The State of Lake Michigan in 2005. D.F. Clapp and W. Horns (Eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission Special Publication 08-02. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 65-70 (2008).
JOSEPH, S.T., L.A. CHAIMOWITZ, M.A. QUIGLEY, R.A. STURTEVANT, D.M. MASON, C.E. SELLINGER, J. WANG, and C. DeMARCHI. Impact of climate change on the Great Lakes ecosystem: A NOAA science needs assessment workshop to meet emerging challenges - summary report. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-147. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, Ann Arbor, MI, 48 pp. (2009).
Kapo, K.E., G.A. BURTON, D. de Zwart, L. Posthuma, and S.D. Dyer. Quantitative lines of evidence for screening-level diagnostic assessment of regional fish community impacts: A comparison of spatial database evaluation methods. Environmental Science and Technology 42(24):9412-9418 (2008).
Kiziewicz, B., and T.F. NALEPA. Some fungi and water molds in waters of Lake Michigan with emphasis on those associated with the benthic amphipod Diporeia spp. Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:774-780 (2008).
Lekki, J., R. Anderson, Q.V. Nguyen, J. Demers, G.A. LESHKEVICH, J. Flatico, and J. Kojima. Development of hyperspectral remote sensing capability for the early detection and monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Great Lakes. AIAA Infotech Aerospace Conference, Seattle, WA, April 6-9, 2009. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 14 pp. (2009).
LESHKEVICH, G.A., and S.V. Nghiem. Using satellite radar data to map and monitor variations in Great Lakes ice cover. 2009 IEEE Radar Conference, Pasadena, CA, May 4-8, 2009. IEEE, 3 pp. (2009).
Lewis, C.F.M., J.W. King, S.M. Blasco, G.R. Brooks, J.P. Coakley, T.E. CROLEY, D.L. Dettman, T.W.D. Edwards, C.W. Heil, J.B. Hubeny, K.R. Laird, J.H. McAndrews, F.M.G. McCarthy, B.E. Mediolo, T.C. Moore, D.K. Rea, and A.J. Smith. Dry climate disconnected the Laurentian Great Lakes. EOS Transactions 89(52):541-542 (2008).
LIU, P.C., H.S. Chen, D.J. Doong, C.C. Kao, and Y.J.G. Hsu. Freaque waves during Typhoon Krosa. Annales Goephysicae 27:2633-2642 (2009).
Lu, Y., S.A. LUDSIN, D.L. FANSLOW, and S.A. POTHOVEN. Comparison of three microquantity techniques for measuring total lipids in fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:2233-2241 (2008).
MacHutchon, K.R., W.J. Wessels, C.H. Wu, and P.C. LIU. The use of streamed digital video data and Binocular Stereoscopic Image System (BISIS) processing methods to analyse ocean wave field kinematics. Proceedings of the ASME 2009 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering OMAE2009, Honolulu, HI, May 31-June 5, 2009. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 7 pp. (2009).
McCORMICK, M.J., T.O. Manley, D. BELETSKY, A.J. FOLEY, and G.L. FAHNENSTIEL. Tracking the surface flow in Lake Champlain. Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:721-730 (2008).
McCORMICK, M.J., and D.J. SCHWAB. Observations of currents in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11(2):182-189 (2008).
Millie, D.F., G.L. FAHNENSTIEL, J. DYBLE BRESSIE, R.J. Pigg, R.R. Rediske, D.M. Klarer, P.A. Tester, and R.W. Litaker. Late-summer phytoplankton in western Lake Erie (Laurentian Great Lakes): bloom distributions, toxicity, and environmental influences. Aquatic Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10452-009-9238-7:20 pp. (2009).
NALEPA, T.F., D.L. FANSLOW, and G.A. LANG. Transformation of the offshore benthic community in Lake Michigan: Recent shift from the native amphipod Diporeia spp. to the invasive mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis. Freshwater Biology 54(3):466-479 (2009).
NALEPA, T.F., S.A. POTHOVEN, and D.L. FANSLOW. Recent changes in benthic macroinvertebrate populations in Lake Huron and impact on the diet of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformus). Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 12(1):2-10 (2009).
Pichlova-Ptacníkova, R., and H.A. VANDERPLOEG. The invasive cladoceran Cerocopagis pengoi is a generalist predator capable of feeding on a variety of prey species of different sizes and escape abilities. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 173(4):267-279 (2009).
Piehler, M.F., J. DYBLE, P.H. Moisander, A.D. Chapman, J. Hendrickson, and H.W. Paerl. Interactions between nitrogen dynamics and the phytoplankton community in Lake George, Florida, USA. Lake and Reservoir Management 25(1):1-14 (2009).
POTHOVEN, S.A., H.A. VANDERPLOEG, S.A. Ludsin, T.O. HÖÖK, and S.B. BRANDT. Feeding ecology of emerald shiners and rainbow smelt in Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 35:190-198 (2009).
Rao, Y.R., N. HAWLEY, M.N. Charlton, and W.M. Schertzer. Physical processes and hypoxia in the central basin of Lake Erie. Limnology and Oceanography 53(5):2007-2020 (2008).
REID, D.F., and R. STURTEVANT. Ballast water and aquatic nuisance species introductions in the Great Lakes. Fact Sheet. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2009).
RUBERG, S.A., E. Guasp, N. HAWLEY, R.W. MUZZI, S.B. BRANDT, H.A. VANDERPLOEG, J.C. LANE, T.C. MILLER, and S.A. CONSTANT. Societal benefits of the real-time coastal observation network (ReCON): Implications for municipal drinking water quality. Marine Technology Society Journal 42(3):103-109 (2008).
RUBERG, S.A., S.T. Kendall, B.A. Biddanda, T. Black, S.C. Nold, W.R. Lusardi, R. Green, T. Casserley, E. Smith, T.G. Sanders, G.A. LANG, and S.A. CONSTANT. Observations of the Middle Island sinkhole in Lake Huron: A unique hydrogeologic and glacial creation of 400 million years. Marine Technology Society Journal 42(4):12-21 (2009).
Ruetz, D.R., D.L. Strouse, and S.A. POTHOVEN. Energy density of introduced round goby compared with four native fishes in a Lake Michigan tributary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:938-947 (2009).
RUTHERFORD, E.S. Lake Michigan's tributary and nearshore fish habitats. In The State of Lake Michigan in 2005. D.F. Clapp and W. Horns (Eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission Special Publication 08-02. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 7-17 (2008).
Santagata, S., K. Bacela, D.F. REID, K.A. McLean, J.S. Cohen, J.R. Cordell, C.W. Brown, T.H. JOHENGEN, and G.M. Ruiz. Concentrated sodium chloride brine solutions as an additional treatment for preventing the introduction of nonindigenous species in the ballast tanks of ships declaring no ballast on board. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(2):346-353 (2009).
SCHWAB, D.J., D. BELETSKY, J. DePinto, and D.M. Dolan. A hydrodynamic approach to modeling phosphorus distribution in Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 35:50-60 (2009).
STOW, C.A., J. Jolliff, D.J. McGillicuddy, S.C. Doney, J.I. Allen, M.A.M. Friedrichs, K.A. Rose, and P. Wallhead. Skill assessment for coupled biological/physical models of marine systems. Journal of Marine Systems 76:4-15 (2009).
STOW, C.A., E.C. Lamon, S.S. Qian, P.A. Soranno, and K.H. Reckhow. Bayesian hierarchical/multilevel models for inference and prediction using cross-system lake dta. In Real World Ecology: Large Scale and Long-Term Case Studies and Methods. S. Carstenn S. Miao, and M. Nungesser (Eds.). Springer Science and Business Media, New York, NY, 111-136 (2009).
STOW, C.A., and D. Scavia. Modeling hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay: Ensemble estimation using a Bayesian hierarchical model. Journal of Marine Systems 76:244-250 (2009).
Stroud, J.R., B.M. Lesht, D.J. SCHWAB, D. BELETSKY, and M.L. Stein. Assimilation of satellite images into a sediment transport model of Lake Michigan. Water Resources Research 45(W02419, doi:10.1029/2007WR006747):16 pp (2009).
STURTEVANT, R., and A. MARSHALL. Educator House Call: On-line data for educators' needs assessment - summary report. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-149. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 9 pp. (2009).
STURTEVANT, R.A., L. Ge, R. Nagy, and R. Patel. Lake Michigan Food Web. Fact Sheet. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2009).
STURTEVANT, R.A., L. Ge, R. Nagy, and R. Patel. Lake Erie Food Web. Fact Sheet. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2009).
STURTEVANT, R.A., L. Ge, R. Nagy, and R. Patel. Lake Huron Food Web. Fact Sheet. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2009).
STURTEVANT, R.A., L. Ge, R. Nagy, and R. Patel. Lake St. Clair Food Web. Fact Sheet. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2009).
STURTEVANT, R.A., L. Ge, R. Nagy, and R. Patel. Lake Ontario Food Web. Fact Sheet. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2009).
STURTEVANT, R.A., L. Ge, R. Nagy, and R. Patel. Lake Superior Food Web. Fact Sheet. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laborataory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (2009).
WANG, H.-Y., and T.O. HÖÖK. Eco-genetic model to explore fishing-induced ecological and evolutionary effects on growth and maturation schedules. Evolutionary Applications (2009).
WANG, J., H. HU, K. Mizobata, and S. Saitoh. Seasonal variations of sea ice and ocean circulation in the Bering Sea: A model-data fusion study. Journal of Geophysical Research 114(C02011, doi:10.1029/2008JC004727):24 pp. (2009).
WANG, J., M. Jin, J. Takahashi, T. Suzuki, I.G. Polyakov, K. Mizobata, M. Ikeda, F.J. Saucier, and M. Meier. Modeling Arctic Ocean heat transport and warming episodes in the 20th century caused by the intruding Atlantic water. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 19(2):159-167 (2008).
WANG, J., K. Mizobata, H. HU, M. Jin, S. Zhang, W. Johnson, K. Shimada, and M. Ikeda. Modeling seasonal variations of ocean and sea ice circulation in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas: A model-data fusion study. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 19(2):168-184 (2008).
WANG, J., J. Zhang, E. Watanabe, M. Ikeda, K. Mizobata, J.E. Walsh, X. BAI, and B. Wu. Is the dipole anomaly a major driver to record lows in Arctic summer sea ice extent? Geophysical Research Letters 36(L05706, doi:10.1029/2008GL036706):5 pp. (2009).
Yang, X.Y., R.X. Huang, J. WANG, and D.X. Wang. Delayed baroclinic response of the Antarctic circumpolar current to surface wind stress. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 51(7):1036-1043 (2008).
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