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ASSEL, R. A. Computerized National Weather Service Great Lakes ice reports for winter seasons 1899-1970. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-130, NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 31 pp. (2004).
ASSEL, R. A. Great Lakes weekly ice cover statistics. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-133. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 27 pp. (2005).
ASSEL, R. A. Conditional probability of December and January ice cover at selected Great Lakes shore sites. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-134. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 31 pp. (2005).
ASSEL, R. A. Great Lakes ice cover climatology update: Winters 2003, 2004, and 2005. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-135. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 21 pp. (2005).
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CROLEY, T. E. II, C. He and D. H. LEE. Distributed-parameter large basin runoff model. II: Application. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 10(3):182-191 (2005).
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CROLEY, T. E. II. Recent Great Lakes evaporation model estimates. Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress: Impacts of Global Change, Anchorage, AK, May 15-19, 2005. American Society of Civil Engineers, 12 pp. (2005).
CROLEY, T. E. II, and C. He. Great Lakes spatially distributed watershed model of water and materials runoff. Proceedings, International Conference on Poyang Lake Wetland Ecological Environment. Advanced Workshop on Watershed Modeling and Water Resources Management, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, P.R. China, June 27, 2005. 12 pp. (2005).
Dermott, R., M. Munawar, R. Bonnell, S. Caron, H. Niblock, T. F. NALEPA and G. Messick. Preliminary investigations for causes of the disappearance of Diporeia spp. from Lake Ontario. In Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. L. C. Mohr and T.F. Nalepa (eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Technical Report 66, Ann Arbor, MI, 203-232 (2005).
Dobiesz, N. E., D. A. McLeish, R. L. Eschenroder, J. R. Bence, L. C. Mohr, M. P. Ebener, T. F. NALEPA, A. P. Woldt, J. E. Johnson, R. L. Argyle and J. C. Makarewicz. Ecology of the Lake Huron fish community, 1970-1999. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:1432-1451 (2005).
EADIE, B. J. and J. A. ROBBINS. Composition and accumulation of recent sediments in Lake Michigan. In State of Lake Michigan (SOLM) - Ecology, Health, and Management. T. Edsall and M. Munawar (eds.). Ecovision World Monograph Series, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, 89-111 (2005).
GOSSIAUX, D. C. and P. F. LANDRUM. Toxicokinetics and tissue distributions of non-polar contaminants from aqueous and dietary exposures for the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 23 pp. (2005).
Green, S. A. and B. J. EADIE. Introduction to special section: Transport and transformation of biogeochemically important materials in coastal waters. Journal of Geophysical Research 109(C10S01):2 pp. (2004).
Greenberg, M. S., G. A. Burton Jr., P. F. LANDRUM, M. T. Leppanen and J. V. K. Kukkonen. Desorption kinetics of fluoranthene and trifluralin from Lake Huron and Lake Erie, USA, sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(1):31-39 (2005).
He, C. and T. E. CROLEY II. Development of a 2-D large basin operational hydrologic model. Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling and Control for Participatory Planning and Managing Water Systems, Venice, Italy, September 29 - October 1, 2004. International Federation for Automatic Control, 12 pp. (2004).
He, C. and T. E. CROLEY II. Estimating nonpoint source pollution loadings in the Great Lakes watersheds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Poyang Lake Wetland Ecological Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, P.R. China, June 27, 2005. 12 pp. (2005).
Holcombe, T. L., L. A. Taylor, J. S. Warren, P. A. VINCENT, D. F. REID and C. E. Herdendorf. Lake floor geomorphology of Lake Erie. World Data Center A for Marine Geology and Geophysica Research Publication RP-3. NOAA NESDIS National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO, 26 pp. (2005).
HONDORP, D. W., S. A. POTHOVEN and S. B. BRANDT. Influence of Diporeia density on diet composition, relative abundance, and energy density of planktivorous fishes in southeast Lake Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:588-601 (2005).
Hook, T. O., E. S. Rutherford, S. J. Brines, C. A. Geddes, D. M. MASON, D. J. SCHWAB and G. W. Fleischer. Landscape scale measures of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) bioenergetic growth rate potential in Lake Michigan and comparison with angler catch rates. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30(4):545-556 (2004).
Janssen, J. J., M. B. Berg and S. J. LOZANO. Submerged terra incognita: Lake Michigan's abundant but unknown rocky zones. In State of Lake Michigan (SOLM) - Ecology, Health, and Management. T. Edsall and M. Munawar (eds.). Ecovision World Monograph Series, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, 113-139 (2005).
Johnson, T. B., M. H. Hoff, A. S. Trebitz, C. R. Bronte, W. P. Brown, T. D. Corry, J. F. Kitchell, S. T. LOZANO, D. M. MASON, J. V. Scharold, S. T. Schram and D. R. Schreiner. Spatial patterns in assemblage structures of pelagic forage fish and zooplankton in western Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30(Supplement 1):395-406 (2004).
Kerfoot, W. C., S. L. Harting, J. Jeong, J. A. ROBBINS and R. Rossmann. Local, regional, and global implications of elemental mercury in metal (copper, silver, gold, and zinc) ores: insights from Lake Superior sediments. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30(Supplement 1):162-184 (2004).
Kracker, L. M., L. Zhou, J. M. Jech, J. K. Horne, J. A. Tyler and S. B. BRANDT. Spatial and temporal variance in fish distributions: A Lake Ontario case study. In State of Lake Ontario (SOLO) - Past, Present, and Future. M. Munawar (ed.). Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, 385-406 (2003).
KRUEGER, D. M. and T. R. Hrabik. Food web alterations that promote native species: The recovery of cisco (Coregonus artedi) populations through management of native piscivores. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2177-2188 (2005).
Kukkonen, J. V. K., S. Mitra, P. F. LANDRUM, D. C. GOSSIAUX, J. Gunnarsson and D. Weston. The contrasting roles of sedimentary plant-derived carbon and black carbon on sediment-spiked hydrophobic organic contaminant bioavailability to Diporeia spp. and Lumbriculus variegatus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(4):877-885 (2005).
LANDRUM, P. F., J. A. Steevens, M. McELROY, D. C. GOSSIAUX, J. S. Lewis and S. D. ROBINSON. Time-dependent toxicity of Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) to Hyalella azteca. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(1):211-218 (2005).
Lee, J.-S. and J.-H. LEE. Influence of acid volatile sulfides and simultaneously extracted metals on the bioavailability and toxicity of a mixture of sediment-associated Cd, Ni, and Zn to polychaetes Neanthes arenaceodentata. Science of the Total Environment 338:229-241 (2005).
Lee, C.-H., D. J. SCHWAB and N. HAWLEY. Sensitivity analysis of sediment resuspension parameters in coastal area of southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Geophysical Research 110(C03004):16 (2005).
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LOFGREN, B. M. A model for simulation of the climate and hydrology of the Great Lakes basin. Journal of Geophysical Research 109(D18108):20 pp. (2004).
LOFGREN, B. M. Development of the second-generation Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM) for the Laurentian Great Lakes region. Proceedings, 19th Conference on Hydrology, 85th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, San Diego, CA, January 9-13, 2005. American Meteorological Society, 3 pp. (2005).
LOFGREN, B. M. CLIP: Climate-Land Interaction Project - Investigating human-climate interactions in East Africa. Proceedings, 16th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, 85th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, San Diego, CA, January 9-13, 2005. 3 pp. (2005).
Lohrenz, S. E., G. L. FAHNENSTIEL, D. F. Millie, O. M. E. Schofield, T. H. JOHENGEN and T. Bergman. Spring phytoplankton photosynthesis, growth, and primary production and relationships to a recurrent coastal sediment plume and river inputs in southeastern Lake Michigan. Journal of Geophysical Research 109(C10S14):13 pp. (2004).
LOZAN0, S. J. and D. H. MERKEY. Chapter 7: Restoration monitoring of soft bottom habitats. In Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats. Volume II: Tools for Monitoring Coastal Habitats. G. W. Thayer, T.A. McTigue, R. Salz, D.H. Merkey, F.M. Burrows, and P. Gayaldo (eds.). NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD, 7.1-7.18 (2005).
LOZANO, S. J. and J. V. Scharold. The status of Diporeia spp. in Lake Ontario, 1994-1997. In Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. L. C. Mohr, and Nalepa, T.F (eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Technical Report 66, Ann Arbor, MI, 233-246 (2005).
LUDSIN, S. A., B. J. Fryer, Z. Yang, S. Melancon and J. L. Markham. Exploration of the existence of natural reproduction in Lake Erie lake trout using otolith microchemistry. 2004 Project Completion Report. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 45 pp. (2004).
Madenjian, C. P., T. O. Hook, E. S. Rutherford, D. M. MASON, T. E. CROLEY II, E. B. Szalai and J. R. Bence. Recruitment variability of alewives in Lake Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:218-230 (2005).
Madenjian, C. P., S. A. POTHOVEN, P. J. Schneeberger, D. V. O'Connor and S. B. BRANDT. Preliminary evaluation of a Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) bioenergetics model. In Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. L. C. Mohr and T.F. Nalepa (eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Technical Report 66, Ann Arbor, MI, 189-202 (2005).
Madenjian, C. P., D. W. HONDORP, T. J. Desorcie and J. D. Holuszko. Sculpin community dynamics in Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31:267-276 (2005).
Melancon, S., B.J. Fryer, SA. LUDSIN, J.E. Gagnon, and Z. Yang. Effects of crystal structure on the uptake of metals by lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) otoliths. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2609-2619 (2005).
MERKEY, D. H. Chapter 2: Restoration monitoring of the water column. In Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats. Volume II: Tools for Monitoring Coastal Habitats. G. W. Thayer, T.A. McTigue, R. Salz, D.H. Merkey, F.M. Burrows, and P. Gayaldo (eds.). NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD, 2.1-2.26 (2005).
MERKEY, D. H., F. M. Burrows and G. W. Thayer. Chapter 9: Restoration monitoring of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). In Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats. Volume II: Tools for Monitoring Coastal Habitats. G. W. Thayer, T.A. McTigue, R. Salz, D.H. Merkey, F.M. Burrows, and P. Gayaldo (eds.). NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD, 9.1-9.56 (2005).
MERKEY, D. H., F. M. Burrows, T. A. McTigue and J. Foret. Chapter 10: Restoration monitoring of coastal marshes. In Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats. Volume II: Tools for Monitoring Coastal Habitats. G. W. Thayer, T.A. McTigue, R. Salz, D.H. Merkey, F.M. Burrows, and P. Gayaldo (eds.). NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD, 10.1-10.94 (2005).
MERKEY, D. H. Chapter 12: Restoration monitoring of deepwater swamps. In Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats. Volume II: Tools for Monitoring Coastal Habitats. G. W. Thayer, T.A. McTigue, R. Salz, D.H. Merkey, F.M. Burrows, and P. Gayaldo (eds.). NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD, 12.1-12.20 (2005).
MERKEY, D. H. and B. D. Keeland. Chapter 13: Restoration monitoring of riverine forests. In Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats. Volume II: Tools for Monitoring Coastal Habitats. G. W. Thayer, T.A. McTigue, R. Salz, D.H. Merkey, F.M. Burrows, and P. Gayaldo (eds.). NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD, 13.1-13.28 (2005).
Mohr, L. C. and T. F. NALEPA. Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the Amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. Technical Report 66. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 310 pp. (2005).
Moore, D. W., R. Baudo, J. M. Conder, P. F. LANDRUM, J. P. McFarland, R. N. Millward, J. P. Shine and J. Q. Word. Bioaccumulation in the assessment of sediment quality: uncertainty and potential application. In Use of Sediment Quality Guidelines and Related Tools for the Assessment of Contaminated Sediments. R.J. Wenning, G.E. Batley, C.G. Ingersoll, and D.W. Moore (eds.). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, 429-495 (2005).
NALEPA, T. F., D. L. FANSLOW and G. Messick. Characteristics and potential causes of declining Diporeia spp. populations in southern Lake Michigan and Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. In Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. L. C. Mohr and T.F. Nalepa (eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Technical Report 66, Ann Arbor, MI, 157-188 (2005).
NALEPA, T. F., L. C. Mohr, B. A. Henderson, C. P. Madenjian and P. J. Schneeberger. Lake Whitefish and Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes: An overview. In Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. L. C. Mohr and T.F. Nalepa (eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Technical Report 66, Ann Arbor, MI, 3-20 (2005).
NALEPA, T. F., D. L. FANSLOW and A. J. FOLEY III. Spatial patterns in population trends of the amphipod Diporeia spp. and Dreissena mussels in Lake Michigan. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29:426-431 (2005).
NALEPA, T. F., D. L. FANSLOW, G. A. LANG and S. A. RUBERG. Recent trends in benthic macroinvertebrate populations in Lake Michigan. In State of Lake Michigan (SOLM) - Ecology, Health, and Management. T. Edsall and M. Munawar (eds.). Ecovision World Monograph Series, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, 269-292 (2005).
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PEACOR, S. D. and E. E. Werner. Context dependence of nonlethal effects of a predator on prey growth. Israel Journal of Zoology 50:139-167 (2004).
PEACOR, S., K. PANGLE and H. A. VANDERPLOEG. Behavioral response of Lake Michigan Daphnia galeata mendotae to Mysis relicta. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31:144-154 (2005).
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POTHOVEN, S. A. and H. A. VANDERPLOEG. Diet and prey selection of alewives in Lake Michigan: seasonal, depth, and interannual patterns. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1068-1077 (2004).
POTHOVEN, S. A. Changes in Lake Whitefish diet: Lake Michigan. In Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes. L. C. Mohr and T.F. Nalepa (eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Technical Report 66, Ann Arbor, MI, 127-140 (2005).
RUBERG, S.A., D.F. Coleman, T.H. JOHENGEN, G.A. Meadows, H.W. VanSumeren, G. A. LANG, and B. A. Biddanda. Groundwater plume mapping in a submerged sinkhole in Lake Huron. Marine Technology Society Journal 39(2):65-69 (2005).
SANO, L. L., A. M. Krueger and P. F. LANDRUM. Chronic toxicity of glutaraldehyde: differential sensitivity of three freshwater organisms. Aquatic Toxicology 71:283-296 (2005).
SANO, L. L. and P. F. LANDRUM. Evaluation of different biocides for potential use in treating overseas unballasted vessels entering the Great Lakes. Aquatic Invaders 16(July-September 2005):1-11 (2005).
Scharold, J. V., S. J. LOZANO and T. D. Corry. Status of the amphipod Diporeia spp. in Lake Superior, 1994-2000. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30(Supplement 1):360-368 (2004).
Schuler, L. J., P. F. LANDRUM and M. J. Lydy. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene to freshwater invertebrates and the role of biotransformation on lethal body residues. Environmental Science and Technology 38:6247-6255 (2004).
SCHWAB, D. J., T. E. CROLEY IIand W. M. Schertzer. Physical, limnological, and hydrological characteristics of Lake Michigan. In State of Lake Michigan (SOLM) - Ecology, Health, and Management. T. Edsall and M. Munawar (eds.). Ecovision World Monograph Series, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, 3-52 (2005).
STURTEVANT, R. Great Lakes Ecological Forecasting Needs Assessment. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-131, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 60 pp. (2004).
Thayer, G. W., T. A. McTigue, R. J. Salz, D. H. MERKEY, F. M. Burrows and P. F. Gayaldo. Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats. Volume Two: Tools for Monitoring Coastal Habitats. NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD, 628 pp. plus appendices (2005).
Word, J. Q., B. B. Albrecht, M. L. Anghera, B. Baudo, S. M. Bay, D. M. DiToro, J. L. Hyland, C. G. Ingersoll, P. F. LANDRUM, E. R. Long, J. P. Meador, D. W. Moore, T. P. O'Connor and J. P. Shine. Predictive ability of sediment quality guidelines. In Use of Sediment Quality Guidelines and Related Tools for the Assessment of Contaminated Sediments. R.J. Wenning, G.E. Batley, C.G. Ingersoll, and D.W. Moore (eds.). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL, 121-161 (2005).
Zhulidov, A. V., D. A. Zhulidov, D. F. Pavlov, T. F. NALEPA and T. U. Gurtovaya. Expansion of the invasive bivalve mollusk Dreissena bugensis (quagga mussel) in the Don and Volga River basins: revisions based on archived specimens. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 5(2):127-133 (2005).
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