Publications List Key |
Capitalized names represent GLERL authors. |
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** = Available in GLERL Library only. |
+ = Available electronically via GLERL web site. |
ASSEL, R.A., and S. Rodionov. Laurentian Great Lakes ice cover teleconnections. Proceedings, 21st Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Huntsville, Alabama, October 28-November 1, 1996. NOAA Climate Prediction Center and the Earth System Science Laboratory, University of Alabama, Huntsville, 122-125 (1997).
BEETON, A.M. Impact of non-indigenous species on the ecosystem of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Proceedings, Second International Lake Ladoga Symposium, Joensuu, Finland, August 26-30, 1996. University of Joensuu, Publications of Karelian Institute, Joensuu, Finland, 368-374 (1997).
BELETSKY, D., W.P. O'CONNOR, and D.J. SCHWAB. Hydrodynamic modeling for the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Project. Proceedings of the Next Generation Environmental Models Computational Methods (NGEMCOM) workshop, G. Delic, and M. F. Wheeler, Bay City, MI, August 7-9, 1995. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, 125-128 (1997).
BELETSKY, D., W.P. O'CONNOR, D.J. SCHWAB, and D. Dietrich. Numerical simulation of internal Kelvin waves and coastal upwelling fronts. Journal of Physical Oceanography July 1997:1197-1215 (1997).
Berg, D.J., S.W. Fisher, and P.F. LANDRUM. Clearance and processing of algal particles by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Journal of Great Lakes Research 22(3):779-788 (1996).
BOLSENGA, S.J., M.S. Evans, H.A. VANDERPLOEG, and D.C. NORTON. PAR transmittance through thick, clear freshwater ice. Hydrobiologia 330:227-230 (1996).
Burton, G.A., C.G. Ingersoll, L.c. Burnett, H. Henry, M.L. Hinman, S.J. Klaine, P.F. LANDRUM, P. Ross, and M. Tuchman. A comparison of sediment toxicity test methods at three Great Lake areas of concern. Journal of Great Lakes Research 22(3):495-511 (1996).
CAVALETTO, J.F., T.F. NALEPA, R. Dermott, W.S. GARDNER, M.A. QUIGLEY, and G.A. LANG. Seasonal variation of lipid composition, weight, and length in juvenile Diporeia spp. (Amphipoda) from Lakes Michigan and Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53(9):2044-2051 (1996).
CROLEY, T.E., II. Water resource predictions from meteorological probability forecasts. Proceedings, Sustainability of Water Resources Under Increasing Uncertainty, Rabat, Morocco, April 23-May 3,1997. IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, 301-309 (1997).
EADIE, B.J. Probing particle processes in Lake Michigan using sediment traps. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 99:133-139 (1997).
EADIE, B.J., D.J. SCHWAB, G.A. LESHKEVICH, T.H. JOHENGEN, R.A. ASSEL, N. HAWLEY, R.E. Holland, M.B. LANSING, P.J. LAVRENTYEV, G.S. MILLER, N.R. MOREHEAD, J.A. ROBBINS, and P. VANHOOF. Development of recurrent coastal plume in Lake Michigan observed for first time. EOS Transactions 77(35):337-338 (1996).
Edgington, D.N., J.A. ROBBINS, S.M. Colman, K.A. Orlandini, and M.-P Gustin. Uranium-series disequilibrium, sedimentation, diatom frustules, and paleoclimate change in Lake Baikal. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 142:29-42 (1996).
GARDNER, W.S., J.F. CAVALETTO, J.B. Cotner, and J.R. JOHNSON. Effects of natural light on nitrogen cycling rates in the Mississippi River plume. Limnology and Oceanography 42(2):273-281 (1997).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. FY 1995 Yearly Report. C.M. Darnell and D.F. Reid (eds.). NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 49 pp. (1996).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Episodic Events: Great Lakes Experiment. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 2 pp. (1997).
GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. GLERL Info Sheet. Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, 2 pp. (1997).
HARKEY, G.A., S. KANE DRISCOLL, and P.F. LANDRUM. Effect of feeding in 30-day sediment bioaccumulation assays using Hyalella azteca in Fluoranthene-dosed sediment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16(4):762-769 (1997).
HAWLEY, N., X. Wang, B. Brownawell, and R. Flood. Rususpension of bottom sediments in Lake Ontario during the unstratified period, 1992-1993. Journal of Great Lakes Research 22(3):707-721 (1996).
Holcombe, T.L., J.S. Warren, L.A. Taylor, D.F. REID, and C.E. Herdendorf. Lake floor Geomorphology of Western Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lake Research 23(2):190-201 (1997).
KANE DRISCOLL, S., G.A. HARKEY, and P.F. LANDRUM. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of Fluoranthene in sediment bioassays with freshwater amphipods. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16(4):742-753 (1997).
KANE-DRISCOLL, S., P.F. LANDRUM, and E. TIGUE. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluoranthene in water-only exposures with freshwater amphipods. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16(4):754-761 (1997).
Kukkonen, J., B.J. EADIE, A. Oikari, B. Holmbom, and M.B. LANSING. Chlorophenolic and isotopic tracers of pulp mill effluent in sedimenting particles collected from southern Lake Saimaa, Finland. The Science of the Total Environment 188:15-27 (1996).
LEE, D.H., A.H. CLITES, and J.P. Keillor. Assessing risk in operational decisions using Great Lakes probabilistic water level forecasts. Environmental Management 21(1):43-58 (1997).
LEE, D.H., T.E. CROLEY, and F.H. QUINN. Lake Ontario regulation under transposed climates. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 33(1):55-69 (1997).
LESHKEVICH, G.A., S.V. Nghiem, and R. Kwok. Satellite SAR remote sensing of Great Lakes ice cover using RADARSAT data. Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Orlando, FL, March 17-19, 1997. Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, I-126-I-134 (1997).
LESHKEVICH, G.A., D.J. SCHWAB, and G.C. MUHR. Satellite environmental monitoring of the Great Lakes: Great Lakes CoastWatch Program update. Marine Technology Society Journal 30(4):28-35 (1997).
LIU, P.C., editor. Nearshore Hydrodynamics studies in Western Lake Michigan. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL-GLERL 103, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, (NTIS#PB97-211031INZ) 40 pp. (1997).
LIU, P.C., and G.S. MILLER. Wavelet transforms and ocean current data analysis. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 13(5):1090-1099 (1996).
LOFGREN, B.M. Climatic impacts of idealized Great Lakes in a general circulation model. Proceedings, American Meteorological Society Conference, Long Beach, CA, Feb. 2-7, 1997. AMS, Boston, MA, 281-284 (1997).
Magnuson, J.J., K.E. Webster, R.A. ASSEL, C.J. Bowser, P.J. Dillon, J.G. Eaton, H.E. Evans, E.J. Fee, R.I. Hall, L.R. Mortsch, D.W. Schindler, and F.H. QUINN. Potential effects of climatic changes on aquatic systems: Laurentian Great Lakes and Precambrian Shield region. Hydrological Processes 11:825-871 (1997).
MILLER, G.S. Nearshore current and temperature measurements, western Lake Michigan. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-102, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (NTIS# PB97-141691INZ) 42 pp. (1997).
Mortsch, L.D., and F.H. QUINN. Climate change scenarios for Great Lakes basin ecosystem studies. Limnology and Oceanography 41(5):903-911 (1996).
Schertzer, W.M., and T.E. CROLEY. Climate change impact on hydrology and lake thermal structure. Proceedings, Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics: Protecting the Aquatic Environment, Vol. 2, San Francisco, CA, August 10-15, 1997. ASCE, New York, 919-924 (1997).
SELLINGER, C.E. Computer program for estimating evapotranspiration using the Thornthwaite Method. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-101, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (NTIS# PB97-116750/XAB) 9 pp. (1996).
SELLINGER, C.E. Computer program for performing hydrograph separation using the rating curve method. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-100, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (NTIS # PB97-116768/XAB) 11 pp. (1996).
Tseng, W.Y., W.G. Pichel, A.K. Liu, P. Clement-Colon, G.A. LESHKEVICH, S.V. Nghiem, R. Kwok, and R.R. Stone. Near Real-Time RADARSAT Data System for NOAA CoastWatch Applications. Proceedings, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Singapore, August 3-8, 1997. IEEE, (1997).
VAN HOOF, P.L., and C.T. Jafvert. Reductive dechlorination of chlorobenzenes in surfactant-amended sediment slurries. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15(11):1914-1924 (1996).
VANDERPLOEG, H.A. Zebra Mussels, Blue-Green Algal Blooms, and Other
Water Quality Parameters in the Great Lakes. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental
Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 2 pp. (1996).
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