The Science Presentations portion of the review will be broadcast live via webinar on Tuesday, March 22 and Wednesday, March 23.
To participate remotely by webinar, please register below. A .zip file containing .pdfs of all presentations for both days, can be downloaded here.
Day 1: Tuesday, March 22 |
8:30 AM | Overview of NOAA and OAR Research Planning and Funding; Introduction of Review Panel (Gary Matlock, Deputy Assistant Administrator, NOAA) |  |
9:00 AM | GLERL Overview (Deborah Lee - Director, GLERL) |  |
10:00 AM | Observation Systems & Advanced Technology Overview (Steve Ruberg) |
10:05 AM | Great Lakes Field Stations and Vessels (Dennis Donahue) |
10:25 AM | Observing System Data Acquisition & Data Management (Ron Muzzi) |
10:40 AM | Observing Systems Research and Technology Transition (Steve Ruberg) |
11:00 AM | CoastWatch Satellite Research and Product Development (George Leshkevich) |
| Hyperspectral Airborne and Hand-held Sensors on Lake Erie (Andrea Vander Woude) |
| Application of Buoy and Mobile Platform Observing Technologies (Tom Johengen) |
1:30 PM | OSAT Theme Summary with Questions and Answer Session |  |
2:00 PM | Ecosystem Dynamics Overview (Henry Vanderploeg) |  |
2:10 PM | Harmful Algal Blooms from Satellites to Genomes (Tim Davis) |
2:30 PM | Forecasting Invasive Species Impacts and Distributions in the Great Lakes (Ed Rutherford) |
2:50 PM | Invasive Mussel Population Dynamics and Processes (Ashley Baldridge) |
| What if Asian Carp Establish in the Great Lakes? (Hongyan Zhang) |
| Great Lakes Nonindigenous Species Information System (Rochelle Sturtevant) |
Day 2: Wednesday, March 23 |
8:40 AM | Core LTR Seasonal Nutrient, Plankton, and Fisheries Research Monitoring (Steve Pothoven) |  |
9:00 AM | Fine-Scale Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of the Food Web (Doran Mason) |  |
9:20 AM | Process Studies: Invasive Mussel (Dreissena) Example (Henry Vanderploeg) |
9:40 AM | Biophysical Modeling (Mark Rowe) |
10:15 AM | Ecosystem Dynamics Theme Summary with Questions and Answer Session |  |
11:30 AM | Overview (Allen Burton - Director, CILER) |
1:00 PM | Integrated Physical and Ecological Modeling and Forecasting Overview (Philip Chu) |  |
1:20 PM | Regional Coupled Atmosphere-Lake-Land Modeling for Research and Applications (Brent Lofgren) |
1:40 PM | Hydrodynamic Modeling (Eric Anderson) |
| Lake Erie FVCOM-Ice (Ayumi Manome) |
| Physical-Biological Coupling in the Great Lakes (Dmitry Beletsky) |
| Improving Great Lakes Seasonal Climate Forecasts (Becky Bolinger) |
3:00 PM | Hydrological Modeling (Andrew Gronewold) |
3:20 PM | Great Lakes Ice and Climate Research, Modeling, and Applications (Jia Wang) |
3:40 PM | Large Lake Ecosystem Phosphorus Modeling & Prediction (Craig Stow) |
4:10 PM | IPEMF Theme Summary with Questions and Answer Session |  |